I was thinking about searching in these rolls. Congrats on the silver find. How much $ does a box of halves cost? Is it $500 ? I asked the tellers at my bank and nobody knew. They were all guessing different amounts.
@Onastone said:
I was thinking about searching in these rolls. Congrats on the silver find. How much $ does a box of halves cost? Is it $500 ? I asked the tellers at my bank and nobody knew. They were all guessing different amounts. I just purchased the only 2 rolls they had.. also penny and nickels while I was there.
Make sure you can get rid of the non-silver halves after you buy a $500 box. You may find yourself wearing out your welcome at the bank very quickly if you try obtaining these with any frequency.
@291fifth Yes. Totally agree. Getting rid of that many halves wouldn't be easy...and I wouldn't want to just dump them in the local coin counter...at least not all at once!!
@Onastone said:
I was thinking about searching in these rolls. Congrats on the silver find. How much $ does a box of halves cost? Is it $500 ? I asked the tellers at my bank and nobody knew. They were all guessing different amounts.
Yes one box is $500
Collector 87 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 53 members and counting! instagram.com/klnumismatics
@Onastone said: @291fifth Yes. Totally agree. Getting rid of that many halves wouldn't be easy...and I wouldn't want to just dump them in the local coin counter...at least not all at once!!
I dump $700 at a time
Never more than $1000
Collector 87 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 53 members and counting! instagram.com/klnumismatics
Last time I searched half rolls from the bank, I just returned them to the wild. Just spent them singly or in multiples.. No issues with the bank on any returns or cashiers at stores when spending them.
Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
Had a lot of fun with a box of half dollars tonight...
Of course, it’s a volume game. Just like when you ask somebody about how their stocks are performing they always tell you about the winners. This box was a rare occurrence. Most of the time I’m lucky to fine 1 or 2.
@Onastone said:
I was thinking about searching in these rolls. Congrats on the silver find. How much $ does a box of halves cost? Is it $500 ? I asked the tellers at my bank and nobody knew. They were all guessing different amounts.
Maybe they were pulling your leg on the box amount because they didn’t want to sell you a box and then have your return it to them after you search it.
Most tellers I know, even the young ones know about boxes of halves and the silver finds.
@Onastone said: @291fifth Yes. Totally agree. Getting rid of that many halves wouldn't be easy...and I wouldn't want to just dump them in the local coin counter...at least not all at once!!
I dump $700 at a time
Never more than $1000
I believe most coin counter machines at banks hold 1000$ bags of halves. So for this reason I only return 300-350$ at a time. Two small Folger coffee cans. Even with this amount the machines bag will be full At times and the teller will need to change out the bag. This is a real bummer to have happen to you especially when the bank is busy.
I estimate I have dumped about 400,000$ worth of halves in the past 6 years. I quit counting at 285,000$.
In two years.
I use seven dump banks.
@air4mdc You are truly a HalfHunter! Do you search any other rolls? I may try a box of halves, never did one. I've been searching quarter rolls for that blasted W quarter and have only found three.
@Onastone said: @291fifth Yes. Totally agree. Getting rid of that many halves wouldn't be easy...and I wouldn't want to just dump them in the local coin counter...at least not all at once!!
I dump $700 at a time
Never more than $1000
I believe most coin counter machines at banks hold 1000$ bags of halves. So for this reason I only return 300-350$ at a time. Two small Folger coffee cans. Even with this amount the machines bag will be full At times and the teller will need to change out the bag. This is a real bummer to have happen to you especially when the bank is busy.
I estimate I have dumped about 400,000$ worth of halves in the past 6 years. I quit counting at 285,000$.
In two years.
I use seven dump banks.
The dump banks I go to their counters have a bin at the bottom, not the bags so it holds a ton of coins. That’s why I can dump so much at a time. Plus I kinda have to dump a lot at a time since I do $2000 searches and don’t wanna make many trips.
Collector 87 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 53 members and counting! instagram.com/klnumismatics
Many of the people who hoarded the .900 fine and .400 fine silver half dollars back in the late 1960's and early 1970's are now passing from the scene with the hoards still intact. Given the very low knowledge of the value of these coins on the part of the general public many of the heirs probably just bring them to the bank and cash them in. This is why half dollars are likely to be the best performers for roll searchers. There is always the chance of a big find.
The same thing can be said about silver dimes and quarters with the exception that finds are likely to be few and far between because so many coins of those denominations have been minted in the past fifty years while half dollar mintages have been very low.
@Onastone said: @air4mdc You are truly a HalfHunter! Do you search any other rolls? I may try a box of halves, never did one. I've been searching quarter rolls for that blasted W quarter and have only found three.
I have search boxes of all denominations, including wraps of currency. Halves I have searched in large amounts compared to the other denominations. I find halves produce more silver and more varieties and some errors.
I recently searched a box of nickels and found about a dozen Buffs. Quarter boxes for some reason hardly ever produce silver. I find searching halves and wraps of two dollar bills most fun.
Yep ... that's how you can get lucky. They look pretty nice!
I was thinking about searching in these rolls. Congrats on the silver find. How much $ does a box of halves cost? Is it $500 ? I asked the tellers at my bank and nobody knew. They were all guessing different amounts.
Make sure you can get rid of the non-silver halves after you buy a $500 box. You may find yourself wearing out your welcome at the bank very quickly if you try obtaining these with any frequency.
@291fifth Yes. Totally agree. Getting rid of that many halves wouldn't be easy...and I wouldn't want to just dump them in the local coin counter...at least not all at once!!
Yes one box is $500
87 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 53 members and counting!
I dump $700 at a time
Never more than $1000
87 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 53 members and counting!
Good thread. Learned lots.
Last time I searched half rolls from the bank, I just returned them to the wild. Just spent them singly or in multiples.. No issues with the bank on any returns or cashiers at stores when spending them.
Had a lot of fun with a box of half dollars tonight...
Of course, it’s a volume game. Just like when you ask somebody about how their stocks are performing they always tell you about the winners. This box was a rare occurrence. Most of the time I’m lucky to fine 1 or 2.
Maybe they were pulling your leg on the box amount because they didn’t want to sell you a box and then have your return it to them after you search it.
Most tellers I know, even the young ones know about boxes of halves and the silver finds.
I believe most coin counter machines at banks hold 1000$ bags of halves. So for this reason I only return 300-350$ at a time. Two small Folger coffee cans. Even with this amount the machines bag will be full At times and the teller will need to change out the bag. This is a real bummer to have happen to you especially when the bank is busy.
I estimate I have dumped about 400,000$ worth of halves in the past 6 years. I quit counting at 285,000$.
In two years.
I use seven dump banks.
@air4mdc You are truly a HalfHunter! Do you search any other rolls? I may try a box of halves, never did one. I've been searching quarter rolls for that blasted W quarter and have only found three.
The dump banks I go to their counters have a bin at the bottom, not the bags so it holds a ton of coins. That’s why I can dump so much at a time. Plus I kinda have to dump a lot at a time since I do $2000 searches and don’t wanna make many trips.
87 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 53 members and counting!
Many of the people who hoarded the .900 fine and .400 fine silver half dollars back in the late 1960's and early 1970's are now passing from the scene with the hoards still intact. Given the very low knowledge of the value of these coins on the part of the general public many of the heirs probably just bring them to the bank and cash them in. This is why half dollars are likely to be the best performers for roll searchers. There is always the chance of a big find.
The same thing can be said about silver dimes and quarters with the exception that finds are likely to be few and far between because so many coins of those denominations have been minted in the past fifty years while half dollar mintages have been very low.
@Wahoo554....Now that box is amazing.... a lot of silver for one search....Cheers, RickO
that's a pretty good haul, I like
I have search boxes of all denominations, including wraps of currency. Halves I have searched in large amounts compared to the other denominations. I find halves produce more silver and more varieties and some errors.
I recently searched a box of nickels and found about a dozen Buffs. Quarter boxes for some reason hardly ever produce silver. I find searching halves and wraps of two dollar bills most fun.