1943/2-D 1C Lincoln

I had to edit.
Out of the 47-1942 I've collected (and a few other pennies from the 1940's) there are some that looks as though a 3 is under the 2. I'm guessing the guys at the mint had already begun production when told you halt operations and to use up the ones they did produce they changed them to 1942...... But I'm not a professional and never sell my coins. I was just curious on your thoughts.
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If you can be objective and look at pictures of genuine 1943 cents, you will see that the last digit on your coins has the incorrect shape and position to be either a partial or entire "3".
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
From the story adopted in his initial post, how would you think the OP has the ability to be objective?
Obvious post mint damage. You need to be more selective on what you post.
Obvious post mint damage.
Both coins suffered damage after they left the mint. The 2nd coin also has severe environmental damage. When you see a coin with environmental damage, there is an extremely good chance that anything unusual is also damage.
I recommend looking at sites like error-ref.com and Doubleddie.com to get an understanding of how coins are made. The mint also has some videos on line. The more you learn about the minting process, the less time you'll waste with damaged coins
Agree with above.
The first picture was enough to show PMD.
On a side note, I don't see any mint process that supports the possibility that these were 1943 and then "changed" inside the mint.
First coin is a damaged 1942-D cent. Second coin is a heavily corroded and damaged 1946 cent. Nothing more than that.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
PPMD Purposely post mint damaged.
Holy moly. Agree with above posts. I would take some time off from the loupe and start reading a bit more on the subject you are interested in and finding real examples of errors to compare. Take some cents and beat them up and watch the metal on them move. You will be amazed what your mind is telling you the coin looks like Bc you are inexperienced. Knowledge is your tool. Keep it up though!
The first one is a hammered 1947.
We should start a poll on how many people on this forum have seen a unicorn...
Toss the microscope. Damaged coins with metal moved by being struck by other coins or objects. Not worth the time to examine them, except for fun. Spenders.
I did this as a kid and it has helped me immeasurably to understand PMD.
Hand tools, power tools, whatever you have - go to town on some coins and you will have a whole new perspective. (Just wear goggles and be careful).
2 minutes of my life wasted...….
Damage...lots of it...and corrosion... lots of it.... definitely not 3/2..... Cheers, RickO
A lot of PMD here is a 1942

Here is a 1943
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
I'll sorry if I offered anyone. Judging by some of the comments it seems as if I have. I only ask bc I'm excited to get feedback from ppl I thought I could look up too.
I was born with autism & It's difficult too live with. I try hard to writing so people can understand me but sometimes my mom's not here to help read so it's ok to make fun of me. I'm used to it. I'll try not to post anymore. I'm really sorry tho
Thank you for the good comments everyone.
Looks good to me, thanks for the Lincoln porn. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I doubt you offended anyone. You weren't impolite or argumentative and have nothing to apologize for. Take what you can as a learning experience from the relevant feedback and hopefully, you can enjoy yourself here.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Yes, autism is difficult to live with. No making fun of you on my part... I commend you for posting to try to get feedback and info and hope you continue to do so.
WELCOME to the board, and do not retreat or leave the forum due to some of the responses. Sometimes responders can be quite abrasive, especially since there tend to be spammers at times who post garbage just to stir everyone up or waste their time. When responders believe a poster is legit they are a great source for info and much more welcoming (though there are always some who still like to stir the pot and be abrasive).
When a newbie shows up on the forum with a question such as yours, it is sometimes difficult to determine if it is truly someone who is learning and sincere... or someone trying to stir everyone up.
Everyone here was a newbie at some point... and had to go through much learning to gain expertise. Keep looking at the coins... there are many good finds out there that you may run across. Again... welcome to the forum.
And if you have any more questions on how to improve coin collecting skills.... feel free to ask!
Agree with the above,
Don't take it personally. Everyone had to learn the same lessons about coins and lots of people here are eager to share their knowledge even if it seems like criticism sometimes. Just learn what you can and ignore anything that bothers you.
What really matters to people is that you are learning. It makes people feel smart to be able to answer your questions and in time you will be able to answer questions for other new people.
In my own opinion, it is all about focusing your efforts and skills in the most productive way. You are already able to notice small details on coins and you take decent photos, so you have some important basic skills.
@AUandAG said: "Toss the microscope."
Agree! Learn what you are looking at first.
PS Many of us have all sorts of physical or mental problems. I'm a curmudgeon with little to no tact. We soldier on anyway.
I didn't want to go here but since you opened that door...
There are no "disabilities" on the Forum. Everyone has got something going on ....
Well, I have many disabilities so you all need to coddle me when posting - NOT!