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Got some of my Bust Halves imaged and regraded at FUN last week...

drddmdrddm Posts: 5,371 ✭✭✭✭✭

Had a great time last week at FUN.
I got to see and hang out with many of fellow BHNC members which is always nice.
Went to the PCGS luncheon on Friday and got to hear all about the new changes coming in 2020 at PCGS.
And I got some of my Bust Halves regraded and imaged at the show.

Bought the 1824 in the later part of 2019 and just loved the look of it, so I got it imaged.
The 1814 O.106a is a really tough die marriage and favorite of mine especially with all the cool clashes and die cracks. I’ve had it for a few years and have always wanted to get it imaged.
The 1829 O.118 is also a tough die marriage and I was quite pleased to get an upgrade on this one, now 45.
Finally, I bought the 1825 awhile ago in a NGC 53 holder, crossed it last year to PCGS 53, and just got it upgraded to 55. Very happy about that one too!



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