Cent Bags
Posts: 605 ✭✭✭
Since I am playing with these mint sewn bags and my next bag is 1997's. I can sell the bag as is or I can open it. My question to you guys is ," if the first coin out has a double ear error would the other 4999 be the same" ? . Or what would the possibility be of double ear errors in a 5000 coin bag 10% - 25% - or a few based on the luck of the draw... Any ideas .
Well, the good news is that being a bag of recently struck coins it's very unlikely anyone's ever set eyes on them, accordingly the error you outline might be present. The other good news is if there's one there very likely are many since the closer to the mining process the more likely they stayed together.
Correction..............minting process..............
carry on.
And if 100 of them were that variety / error, the price would drop to virtually face value.
You never know for sure. A recent thread pictured a spectacular cud that was somehow the only coin of its type in a mint sewn bag.
Well, the more spectacular the cud, the more likely the die was replaced shortly thereafter.
Generally if there's one of a coin in a bag you can figure about 5 to 15% will be the same. About the highest I've seen is 18% and I have actually spotted "unique" coins in a bag. I'm sure there are a lot more than I've seen though.
The percentages may have changed over the years.
Any variety caught by the mint and taken out of production will tend to be lower.
Thanks, Well I opened the bag and nothing not a double ear to be found. So no luck on the double ear. Not sure why, but I took out about 55 coins the best of the best of the bag ... Then laid them out then took out the best 5 coins of the 55 and will place them into 2 x 2's, for some reason. I am moving on to a Mint bag of 1970-s who knows what this bag will bring..
Too bad you did not find any of the variety you were seeking.... but, as we know, searches for treasure turns up empty more times than rewarding...Good luck on your next search...Cheers, RickO
Did someone say cent bags 😀