V.D.B. I know , But ...but, I just don't see it.

Ok fine, with me...
Wait let me get my glasses.
I must be getting older.
Cant find my walker neither.
Ok fine, with me...
Wait let me get my glasses.
I must be getting older.
Cant find my walker neither.
just to compare.

Nice pics!
Your photo in question appears to be short of where VDB would be.
Great pictures.....However, not sure I understand the question....I see the VDB in both sets....well, except for the first picture in the OP...Can you clarify? Cheers, RickO
Hey ricko just found this in same box. Check the patina its a 94
I'll try... just to say both are 95D was the photo's reference
Wrong set up.. is the above post
This thread makes no sense.
Get the Dremal out and complete the job.
"A dog breaks your heart only one time and that is when they pass on". Unknown
Here or there?
Same coin.
Beer? Or stronger?
^^ +1
Cat's claw in the pajama pants. Snigger, snigger, banana dumpling.
It's like watching Abbott and Costello discuss baseball
(Edited for proper reference.
Abbott & Costello
“Whos on first...” what a riot!
Darn it! I knew that. I had them pictured in my head but the other names came to mind,
Either way it was good (mostly) clean comedy back yonder.
There were a few people who pushed boundaries (Mae West, as an example), but you couldn't admit to understanding the double entendres.
Finally figured it out. Infinity Theorem
The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. In fact, the monkey would almost surely type every possible finite text an infinite number of times.
I am glad so many monkeys have gainful employment to create these new OP items.
The economy in Monkeyalvania must be booming !!!
I surrender, because you can see I'm unarmed.
I'm gonna call it a,
Vocational Druken Strike !
Yea VDB is there in the 3rd pic, just hard to see, lol.
Its the same reason new cars will beep when you cross the line, But don't wait for the beep okay
Thanks scratch,
I'm done on this file, although its growing fast from this box of rolls.
Nice, keep shucking em! Eventually somethings got to give.
Is THAT what you are seeing? "VDS"? It's probably just a grease-filled die that is making the "B" look like an "S".
It would save us all a lot of guessing and confusion if you just said "VDS" at the beginning.