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Moneyfactory: 2020 America’s Founding Fathers Currency Set (B15057) (Available today@Noon, $21.95.)

BackroadJunkieBackroadJunkie Posts: 3,745 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 13, 2020 7:59AM in U.S. Coin Forum

The BEP (Bureau of Engraving and Printing) has populated the page for the 2020 America’s Founding Fathers Currency Set. (They did it a week ago, but since I'm waiting for a download to complete, I thought I'd foist this onto CU now... :)) They will be available on Feb 13 @ Noon, $21.95 (same price as last year). Price drops to $18.95 if ordering 50 or more.

This annual set contains a single and deuce FRN with matching serial numbers starting with "2020". They will be issued from the New York FRB.

2020 America’s Founding Fathers Currency Set (B15057)

Mintage Limit: 8,000
Product Limit: 7,600
Household Order Limit: None

I assume they will add an HHL at some point. Sure would like to know what they do with the difference between the mintage and product limits they always seem to have. Product replacement for those that get bent in the mail? (I've had a couple of BEP products I've had to return.)

(The S/N pictured is B20200001A. Sadly, I have never won the S/N lottery... :'( )

This set sold out went unavailable in 17 days last year, so they increased the product limit from 5,000 last year, to 7,600 this year. I wouldn't be surprised it it sells out again.

Here's last year's thread:
Moneyfactory: 2019 America’s Founding Fathers Currency Set (B15052) (Sold Out)

I'm probably in for one. Let's see. I would like it to be either 20202020 or 20200202. 20200000 or my birthday would be acceptable as well. :D


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