Rare Mao Zedong Cultural Revolutionary Badge with mistake on map....Taiwan was not red.

The quality is excellent and this is extremely rare. The back side in Chinese characters communicates "Warm Cheers for All Red Nationwide, 9/6/1968“. This is a rare find as the Chinese map does not show Taiwan as red and does not include the Xisha and Nansha Islands Because it has these mistakes, it had to be completely destroyed. Therefore it became extremely valuable. I was given this Mao badge from one of my older students (who was a professor) when I was a teacher in Beijing right before the Tiananmen event of June 4th. Material: Aluminum. A recent stamp was sold, showing this same mistake, for over $400,000 http://www.china.org.cn/top10/2012-04/27/content_25224963_6.htm Need ideas to find the right buyer.