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Buffalo Cracked a coin got it back details damage

jabbajabba Posts: 3,176 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited December 22, 2019 7:09AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Was this just an oversight or was this kind of damage excepted in the past?

Guess I should clarify I don’t disagree with the new grade there are marks across the tail also its circular the obverse is clean it’s just shadow of tones I believe this was the end roll coin and got damage by the fingers on the wrapper machine beautiful colors but it’s damaged I just wanted to share that even thought a coins in a older holder there can be problems you need to
Look for.

There was quite a bit of discussion from the other thread about cracking coins. I cracked this coin and sent it in with my raw coin Submission so I didn’t have to make multiple submissions. I wasn’t expecting an up grade just wanted to get true views and new holder. If you look close the damage is in the same place but wasn’t caught the first time around and I didn’t see it when I purchased it. So if you decide to crack an older holder out and re-submit be wear.
Looks at the letter N on the reverse got it back UNC damage wrap machine damage.
I’m devastated because I love the tone on the reverse. I regret cracking it but would have felt worse not knowing had I re-sold the coin at some point and not knowing it was damaged.

True view


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