The Red Sox changes begin

Porcello signs with Mets.
Price trade rumors get louder, I think he's gone.
Holt gets not much Red Sox interest and will be gone.
Of course Leon has already gone to the Indians.
I suspect Betts will be gone in a future blockbuster trade.
Benny appears to be the left fielder, or center fielder, or right fielder.
JBJ has lots of interest...elsewhere...Red Sox actively shopping him.
Pedroia will continue to collect a King's ransom for doing nothing but showing up.
More changes coming.
2020 not worth getting the MLB package to watch the Sox. I predict a dismal season.
Pedroia needs to go, he is basically a parasite sucking money out of the Sox.
Too bad we can’t find a way to get him to suck some Yankee money. They have plenty to spare.
You guys may want to keep that pitcher Ruth instead of selling him to the Yankees. I've read where he might be a good hitter as well.
Oh sorry that was 1919, this is 2019. I saw the '19 and got the century confused.
“You guys” did have much choice. It was up to owner Harry Frazee. Check out “The Biggest Scumbag Owner” thread. He ranks right down there with Art Model.
Gee, 1919, that was 20 years before I was born. I remember the night he died though as I was listening to the radio program "our baby snooks" (I think it was) and they came on with a bulletin that he had passed away.
Seriously? Yet another thread that goes way off the rails...try to focus on 2020, not ancient history with lame humor.