Toned penny?

Still somewhat new to collecting. But do people collect them and if so how do you determine a value.
Still somewhat new to collecting. But do people collect them and if so how do you determine a value.
It appears that you have a worn coin that was cleaned and is beginning to retone. Common wheat cents are worth about 2-3 cents each in bulk.
Common date cleaned and polished wheat cent. It is just spending money. Why would anyone want to pay a premium for such a coin?
@Maserati27 .... Welcome aboard... Your cent is as described above with no numismatic premium... Good luck in your searches...Cheers, RickO
All the above. Keep looking.
The larger question...
If you did have an uncirculated cent with toning, value for the toning is whatever someone is willing to pay. It is totally subjective.
Sorry, that doesn't even look genuine, it looks like a replica.
Yes there are collectors that do collect toned Lincoln pennies, the value of each is highly individualized and depends on the vibrancy, what colors, and grade. Take a moment to review the showcase set I have linked, in it you will see the kind of coins that some collectors will pay some type of premium for. The coin you have pictured in your op has no value added.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
It’s worth at least $5-10? Or
Really bad photo
Agree with @291fifth. Game is not worth the candle.
Well I figured the one I posted wasn’t so great. Will just put back in my penny album. But in that link
Those are sick. I will spend 20-50$ for a 1927 penny that has a cool toning look. But see I’ve checked the PCGS site and I’m not able to buy any of the toned wheat penny’s it list. Confused
You’re gonna have to buy slabbed coins to get the kind of coins you see on the PCGS site. They will be very hard to find raw. It could happen, but not likely.
From what a lot of ppl say I’ll go through thousands and thousands of coins before I stumble upon something valuable.. hmm well I’ll just hoard em
This is a hoard of cents...
Oh the hell haha. That looks overwhelming
I’ve noticed coin collecting and my OCD have their idek.. lol
It's not. It's a keeper for the toning (I'd keep it)