This is my newest purchase. It is a Papal States (1709) Piastra, DAV-1441. I won it from Heritage. This is my first Piastra and I’m starting to really get interested in Papal States coinage.
This is my newest purchase. It is a Papal States (1709) Piastra, DAV-1441. I won it from Heritage. This is my first Piastra and I’m starting to really get interested in Papal States coinage.
Very cool - congrats on your newp!
8 Reales Madness Collection
I purchased that medal recently as well from Heritage. While Heritage’s fees are getting high for me after they started to include state sales tax and other fees, they have wonderful items in their auctions.
They both look terrific!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
lovely newps, I actually was watching that piastra!!!
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
Don't you just love it when you suddenly find a new coin series that speaks your name, and you start studying it, looking at coins, and trying to learn as much about it/them as you can?
Great coins too, BTW.
Kind regards,
Both great additions. I was also watching the piastra.
Thanks ya’ll. This forum has been a very informative and positive aspect of the hobby I joined a couple of years ago.
I was watching the Hamburg medal.
Looks like some nice colors in that piastra!
The papal coins have some great designs. They really intrigue me but also seem a bit daunting.
My current "Box of 20"
Nice Papal States Piastra! Nice Hamburg medal!
I do not collect medals (yet?!?), but do collect Papal States coins and can say that that series has a lot of interesting designs.
@jimhopkins1919 - have you gotten the Muntoni reference books (a 4-vol set) yet? Or the new MIR books on Papal States (I think this is a 2-vol set)? Highly recommend, but it's important that you can navigate basic numismatic Italian. Or, learn how to use Google Translate app on your smart phone (it has a camera feature so you can use it on a photo).
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at
Hey, thanks for the book recommendations. I just downloaded the google translate app, I wasn’t aware there was a camera option. It looks like it’ll be very helpful.
I just ordered this from Charles Davis. And, I just inquired with the Italian numismatic community, specifically Signore Varesi, how many volumes there will be to reach the end of the pre-unification period of Italy.
I already have Volume 1: beginning to Leone X (1521).
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at
The backstory to the St. Michael’s Church in Hamburg is pretty fascinating, that church has gone thru a lot!