A feature I wish PCGS sets had that other graders have

I like the "set history" available at grader not to be named. It's nice to look back and see when you added something, or upgraded inventory. Not sure where this feedback should go, so storing it here.
Hi @GhosOfRudy
When you're looking at the set in question, you can hover over the "Set Rating" link in blue and shown on the screenshot below to see when the set was created, the current stats based on the last time the set was updated along with the highest rating this set has received.
If you click on the "Set Rating" link, you will be taken to the revision history for the set in question, shown below;
Should you have any feedback or suggestions for the PCGS Set Registry, feel free to send us an email at SetRegistry@Collectors.com
PCGS Set Registry Manager
!!!! Oh wow. Thank you for the quick reply. I would LOVE to be able to get to this in a single click from the "My Sets" page (Maybe make the Rating from there a clickable link?)
Thank you!!!
My PCGS profile
You're welcome!
Thank you for the suggestion, we will definitely keep this in mind for future updates.
PCGS Set Registry Manager
Thank you for the history info update and how to access it. I was not aware that I could gain this history on my sets.
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