1972 DD

I got into some good customer wrapped rolls this evening that are mostly 70's and 80's copper and with several gems.
Then second to last roll of the hot color wrappers I found this '72 and I need help identifying.
I think it is either 103 or 108??
Check here-http://varietyvista.com/01b LC Doubled Dies Vol 2/DDO 1972.htm
Nice find!
Collector, occasional seller
Very nice find!
Check for the diagnostics (die scratches/gouges at variety vista) to match the FS#.
That scratch under the date (7)... ouch, looks like a staple scratch?
Looks like die 3.
8 has more obvious doubling in the date.
Nice find @CoinscratchFever .
I found 14 more rolls of the same wrapper and then opened up another type which comprises most of the 3 boxes and got the same results. 60, 70, 80's Hopefully the party's not over yet.
Nice find.... Good luck with the rest of the rolls....Cheers, RickO
Judging by the condition of those '84's at the top I'd say that's about when these were rolled up.
Just noticed a few late 90's coins- There goes that thought.
Collector, occasional seller
There were some newer models sprinkled in there but, mostly 80's. I think this was an ozarka bottle stash finally rolled up and taken to the bank. The hole ran dry and this is a pick of the best ones, there were a lot more (not shown) of the heartbreakers that looked perfect except for carbon spots.

That cent almost dead center... what is going on with the date.
@Hemispherical . I saw that too and just assumed it was cell phone jitters. I have to narrow it down a few more times (cull out more carbon & weak strikes) then hopefully a few of these will get their PCGS glamour shots.
I currently have some others getting their pics done that I'm pretty excited about. Praying for 68 and 9's. O'lord is a 70 too much to ask for
Jitters! That reminded me to get some more caffeine.
Those ‘85 (center-ish) has some, what appears to be, heavy duty die polish lines.
Far left, ‘80 has mark that has the appearance of a “coffee cup“ stain (have caffeine on the mind).
Please do post your pending results, too!
@Hemispherical . Are die polish lines a bad thing? I think I'll grab a second cup too. Playing golf today and its a blistering cold 65 degress here in So. TX. so...
That's exactly it. Not too long ago I picked up a few old rolls of 1985 cents and a lot of them had extensive die scratches just like that one. They are actually pretty cool looking.
My question is, is that 86-D to the right PL? It is reflecting light differently than the others.
Collector, occasional seller
Nice find on the 1972!!!
Congrats, Donato
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
It does look like that, maybe its missing the polish lines.
I know its not a good pick but, what do you think about the 65. Those sixties seem to have a lot of lines.
@divecchia . Thank You! It is my first Lincoln DD and second overall. The other was '63 25C minor variety of some sort.
Definitely cool to be on the board finally.
@ChrisH821 . Almost forgot, The top right '79 D has like a die chip or something between the edge and Lincoln's shoulder.
Here is an un-cropped picture with truer light conditions. I think.

Not a bad thing, it is just a curiosity of what Mint workers do to maintain the production of coins. Overall good stuff.