2007D Utah state quarter, is this an error?

Looking at coins today and ran across what appears to be DDO? UNDER the word's "QUARTER DOLLAR" & the mint mark looks to be huge spread. Thank you in advance for checking it out.
Looking at coins today and ran across what appears to be DDO? UNDER the word's "QUARTER DOLLAR" & the mint mark looks to be huge spread. Thank you in advance for checking it out.
I don’t see anything just a harshly cleaned quarter
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I see what may be a little strike doubling or die wear. Not a DD.
Even if it was a DD, too much damage to warrant any significant premium. IMO
I see nothing, really nothing.
No DD there....Just a quarter,....Cheers, RickO
Just a well circulated quarter. No premium.
The doubling you see (not clear in your photos)
is probably what's known as 'ejection' or 'mechanical'
doubling....or struck from a worn/overused die.
Not an error, in any case