Corrolation graphs

There are oftentimes graphs presented in this forum that try to explain causation by means of corrolation. Those graphs can be particularly misleading, especially by those who wish to push an agenda. Here is a website that I believe you may find interesting. This may help in deciphering a true causation from a simple corrolation and improve ones understanding of the information. Please don't eat cheese in bed.
Excuses are tools of the ignorant
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Don’t ride a bike...
Aw, come on, cohodk. Everyone knows that the marriage rate goes down in Kentucky when more guys drown by falling out of their fishing boats. Makes perfect sense! Cash is king...
And, there may be something to the lower rate of murders using a blunt object with that declining New York marriage rate.
It's not all that far-fetched.
I knew it would happen.