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[CLOSED] Giveaway: win a set of the new 2019 Lord Marcovan custom elongated coins

lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,671 ✭✭✭✭✭

Contest now CLOSED. Winners announced in Post #28 (@robkool, & @testoon).

All you've gotta do is post the words "entry post", and you're entered.

(You may post multiple times for discussion purposes, but only one"entry post" per member, please.)

Don't forget to enter my regular monthly "LordM's Loot" giveaway, too, if you are so inclined (see link in my signature line). You get to pick your prize for that one.

Each set consists of (3) of my 2019 custom elongated coins:

(1) on 1920s-1940s silver Mercury dime (one of 100 pieces produced). These were all rolled with the obverse of the host coin showing on the back. Usually the details are fairly visible, and in most (though maybe not all) cases, the host coin date is visible. Usually this will mean the 1940s, though there were some 1920s and 1930s coins in the source lot as well. Silver dimes, let alone Mercury dimes, are very seldom seen as host coins for elongates, so hopefully these will prove popular.

(1) on 1950s Wheat cent, unholed (one of 200 pieces produced). Most though not all coins have the wheat ears of the host coin visible on the back, but a few have the host coin obverse showing, and therefore a readable date in some cases.

(1) on 1950s Wheat cent, holed (one of 200 pieces produced). As above, but holed for keychain or jewelry use.

Coins for these 3-piece sets will be randomly selected and pre-sealed in the envelopes shown, so at present I am not offering to pick certain host coin dates.

The dies for these elongated coins were made for me and rolled out by Cindy Calhoun, the president of TEC (The Elongated Collectors), at elongatedpenny.net.

The design is based on the Scottish clan badge for the Clan Robertson (my maternal family line, from which my first name is derived).

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