1958 wheat penny

Hello all,
Very new here and to the coin hunting community, but I have a question about this 1958 wheat I found in a box of pennies. Never seen one in such good condition and was wondering if it is normal to find them like this. If not, I'm definitely hooked on the hunt.
Thanks for any and all insight.
Sea Bas
Howdy and welcome. That's a great find. I'd guess someone inherited grandpa's coin collection and spent all the rolled cents or popped the cents out of the albums.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
@SeaBas Welcome to the forum!
Nice find but you won't find wheat cents like that in every box.
What they said.
It clearly didn't send the past 61 years in circulation and was only recently put there.
You never know what you'll find...
Nice find... and certainly not a common state in which to find a 61 year old cent. Good album coin. Cheers, RickO
Cents from that era were hoarded in huge numbers. The collectors that hoarded them are now passing from the scene and heirs are dumping many of their coins back into circulation after finding out they have little value above face value.
Finding a 61 year old coin in that condition used to be something that collectors dreamed about. Today it does sometimes happen. I received an essentially uncirculated 1955 cent in change just a few months ago.