Two Martians spot the Curiosity rover. One sees the 1909 VDB cent that is used for calibration. He picks it up and carefully examines both sides. Disinterested, he tosses the coin to the ground.
As they walk away he tells his friend "I need the one with the S."
Does anyone around here remember Brooks Robinson? He is regarded as the greatest defensive third baseman in baseball history. He played for the Baltimore Orioles. His nickname was Mr. Hoover. As in VACUUM CLEANER! He was featured in an article in Sport magazine that I read sometime in the 1960's. I'll never forget it. In the article he mentioned that one of his children had swallowed some coins. The child was taken to the doctor. The doctor's advise; look through the kid's stool until you find the coins. I never understood the logic behind that but here's the joke............
Brooks Robinson's kid swallowed some coins. The doctor tells Mrs. Robinson to look for the coins in the child's stool. One day passes. No coins found. Two days pass, still no coins. On the third day Brooks gets home from the game and asks his wife about the child's condition. Her reply, "No change."
Retired Collector & Dealer in Major Mint Error Coins & Currency since the 1960's.Co-Author of Whitman's "100 Greatest U.S. Mint Error Coins", and the Error Coin Encyclopedia, Vols., III & IV. Retired Authenticator for Major Mint Errors for PCGS. A 50+ Year PNG Member.A full-time numismatist since 1972, retired in 2022.
@Hydrant said:
Does anyone around here remember Brooks Robinson? He is regarded as the greatest defensive third baseman in baseball history. He played for the Baltimore Orioles. His nickname was Mr. Hoover. He was featured in an article in Sport magazine that I read sometime in the 1960's. I'll never forget it. In the article he mentioned that one of his children had swallowed some coins. The child was taken to the doctor. The doctor's advise; look through the kid's stool until you find the coins. I never understood the logic behind that but here's the joke.
Brooks Robinson's kid swallowed some coins. The doctor tells Mrs. Robinson to look for the coins in the child's stool. One day passes. No coins found. Two days pass, still no coins. On the third day Brooks gets home from the game and asks his wife about the child's condition. Her reply, "No change."
Brooks owned the real estate within 50 feet of third. GOAT.
@TwoSides2aCoin said:
A thief, a liar, and a cheat walk into the bar and take a stool. The bartender asks : " so what is my favorite coin dealer having ? "
(Okay, I just made that up, but it could happen ).
I've seen variations of this joke with "lawyer", "congressman", among others in place of "coin dealer".
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
@TwoSides2aCoin said:
A thief, a liar, and a cheat walk into the bar and take a stool. The bartender asks : " so what is my favorite coin dealer having ? "
I heard it as "Oh, the three of you again? Coin Club night?"
-----Burton ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
The Robinson joke is a variation of what I tell pediatricians on abdominal x-rays on kids.
If they've swallowed a coin or 2, after it passes, I tell them "No change", meaning the coins have passed and are no longer in the patient. Same inference in the joke - no "change" in the stool.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
My dad's name was John so he liked to tell little Johnny jokes like this one: (typical dad joke) Little Johnny's teacher asked him one day; "Little Johnny if you had a quarter in one of your pockets and a nickel in the other, what would you have?"
Little Johnny says: "Well that's easy, I'd for sure have somebody else's pant on!"
Did anyone watch closely at the coin toss in the Super Bowl game last February? They used a coin that had a bust of Teddy Roosevelt on one side, and Nathan Hale on the other.
This way, when they tossed the coin, the player would have to call Ted’s or Hale’s 😂
A day without fine wine and working on your coin collection is like a day without sunshine!!!
A guy wanders into an antique shop to look around.....He's picking up various things and admiring them. So he comes across a small bronze statue of a rat. There's something about it that he can't resist, so he negotiates an agreeable price. He soon leaves the store proudly admiring his new purchase. As he walking through town. all of a sudden, he sees a rat crawl out of a sewer and start following him. Then a rat comes out of an alley, also starts following him. He starts to get a bit anxious.
Soon, a rat crawls out of a dumpster, joins the pursuit. Another couple come up out of a sewer, then a few more, then more.....and more......
The guy finds himself at the edge of town, at the river, being followed by hundreds of rats. Really scared now, he throws his prized statue into the river. One by one, every one of the rats jumps into the river and drowns......
Somewhat relieved, the guy heads back to that little antique shop. The owner inquires, "What happened to your rat statue"? "Oh, that's gone", he says, "but not a problem"......
"I was just wondering if you had one in the shape of a coin dealer" ?
An old man walks into a bar and slams a bag of gold coins down,
addresses the customers by saying, "I'll give this entire bag of coins to any man here able to drink 10 pints in 2 minutes'"
Nobody takes him up on the offer but he notices an Irishman getting up and leaving.
A few minutes later the Irishman is back and says to him, "Is yer wager still applicable"
The old man tells him it is and the bartender sets 10 pints of ale on the bar.
In a minute and a half flat the Irishman is done and the old man hands him the bag of money.
"Just one thing sir", the Old man says, " I noticed you leaving the pub earlier when I introduced my proposal".
"Aye ye did ser," says the Irishman, "I went next door to see if I could do it first".
Cheers, RickO
In a train compartment, there are 3 men and a young woman. The four passengers join in conversation, which very soon turns to the erotic. Then, the young woman proposes, "If each of you will give me a quarter, I will show you my legs." The men, charmed by this young college girl, all pull a quarter out of their pocket. And then the girl pulls up her dress a bit to show her legs. Then she says, "If each of you gentlemen will give me a half dollar, I'll show you my thighs,". And men being what they are, they all pull out a half dollar. The girl pulls up her dress all the way to her legs in full. Conversation continues, and the men, a bit excited, have all taken off their coats. Then the young girl says, "If you will give me a silver dollar, I will show you where I was operated on for appendicitis." All three fork over the money. The girl then turned to the window and points outside at a building they're passing. "See there in the distance. That's the hospital where I had it done!"
I see my contribution (young woman who collected a quarter from "everyone") has been removed. I didn't think it was that risque but apparently it was beyond the level acceptability. My apologies!
Q: Two coins add up to 30 cents, and one is not a nickel. What are they?
A: A quarter and a nickel. The quarter isn't a nickel.
I was going to guess a dime and a twenty cent piece.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I apologize in advance
So this young streetwalker walks into a bank and she's dragging a 50 pound bag of quarters behind her and she plops them up on the counter of the tellers cage and say she wants to deposit them into her account, so the teller starts counting them and making small talk throughout the transaction and says "my my you sure have hoarded a lot quarters" and she say's "well to be truthful my sister helped whored some too"
My mom, a lovely refined lady of 84 years old, told me this, though her punch line used a lawyer, but it zinged with a word I never before in my entire life had heard her previously utter.
A lovely refined lady (no higher praise, of course) in her child-bearing years visits a doctor for a pelvic exam in anticipation of her third marriage.
Having re-robed, she joins him in his office, and he expresses some confusion.
"Madam", he says," I found you quite healthy, but my examination contradicts the medical history you gave me. I understood you to tell me you were marrying for the third time, yet I found you intact, a virgin. This cannot be"
"Doctor" she replies "it most certainly can, and is, and is actually quite simple to explain".
As I said, it's quite simple.
My first husband, like you, was a gynecologist, and all he wanted to do was look at it.
And my second husband was a psychiatrist, and frankly, all he wanted to do was talk about it.
But now, I'm going to be marrying a coin dealer, and I know I'm going to get f@@ked"
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
@ColonelJessup said:
My mom, a lovely refined lady of 84 years old, told me this, though her punch line used a lawyer, but it zinged with a word I never before in my entire life had heard her previously utter.
A lovely refined lady (no higher praise, of course) in her child-bearing years visits a doctor for a pelvic exam in anticipation of her third marriage.
Having re-robed, she joins him in his office, and he expresses some confusion.
"Madam", he says," I found you quite healthy, but my examination contradicts the medical history you gave me. I understood you to tell me you were marrying for the third time, yet I found you intact, a virgin. This cannot be"
"Doctor" she replies "it most certainly can, and is, and is actually quite simple to explain".
As I said, it's quite simple.
My first husband, like you, was a gynecologist, and all he wanted to do was look at it.
And my second husband was a psychiatrist, and frankly, all he wanted to do was talk about it.
But now, I'm going to be marrying a coin dealer, and I know I'm going to get f@@ked"
Yah, enjoy it while you can.
UnPC, it's not that we're offended, as much as we're offended on behalf of the victims in this little tale.. those sensitive coin dealers 😉
Just noting the Second Amendment implications of the Aristotle-attributed quote by @abcde12345 above. I expect Wayne LaPierre to weaponize it without grasping the intended sarcasm.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
Presidential dollars. They aren't my favorite but they're still a joke.
You Suck! Awarded 6/2008- 1901-O Micro O Morgan, 8/2008- 1878 VAM-123 Morgan, 9/2022 1888-O VAM-1B3 H8 Morgan | Senior Regional Representative- ANACS Coin Grading. Posted opinions on coins are my own, and are not an official ANACS opinion.
Have you seen what passes for a 65 these days? there a coin in this joke?
We are heading into de basement.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
Two Martians spot the Curiosity rover. One sees the 1909 VDB cent that is used for calibration. He picks it up and carefully examines both sides. Disinterested, he tosses the coin to the ground.
As they walk away he tells his friend "I need the one with the S."
What is it called when it rains pennies?
Answer: Climate change
Does anyone around here remember Brooks Robinson? He is regarded as the greatest defensive third baseman in baseball history. He played for the Baltimore Orioles. His nickname was Mr. Hoover. As in VACUUM CLEANER! He was featured in an article in Sport magazine that I read sometime in the 1960's. I'll never forget it. In the article he mentioned that one of his children had swallowed some coins. The child was taken to the doctor. The doctor's advise; look through the kid's stool until you find the coins. I never understood the logic behind that but here's the joke............
Brooks Robinson's kid swallowed some coins. The doctor tells Mrs. Robinson to look for the coins in the child's stool. One day passes. No coins found. Two days pass, still no coins. On the third day Brooks gets home from the game and asks his wife about the child's condition. Her reply, "No change."
How does a Coin Dealer Make a Million Dollars?
(.......start with Two Million)
A numismatist is never afraid of change.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Brooks owned the real estate within 50 feet of third. GOAT.
A thief, a liar, and a cheat walk into the bar and take a stool. The bartender asks : " so what is my favorite coin dealer having ? "
(Okay, I just made that up, but it could happen ).
I've seen variations of this joke with "lawyer", "congressman", among others in place of "coin dealer".
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I heard it as "Oh, the three of you again? Coin Club night?"
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
How do you make a million dollars in the coin business?
Work a million hours.
What turns problem coins into great coins?
The 200 year old safe.
The Robinson joke is a variation of what I tell pediatricians on abdominal x-rays on kids.
If they've swallowed a coin or 2, after it passes, I tell them "No change", meaning the coins have passed and are no longer in the patient. Same inference in the joke - no "change" in the stool.
My dad's name was John so he liked to tell little Johnny jokes like this one: (typical dad joke) Little Johnny's teacher asked him one day; "Little Johnny if you had a quarter in one of your pockets and a nickel in the other, what would you have?"
Little Johnny says: "Well that's easy, I'd for sure have somebody else's pant on!"
A penny for your thoughts and a nickel for that dime.
How long does it take to soak 1911 penny in acetone to remove enough grease build up to consider it ready to holder? Nobody Nose
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
Did anyone watch closely at the coin toss in the Super Bowl game last February? They used a coin that had a bust of Teddy Roosevelt on one side, and Nathan Hale on the other.
This way, when they tossed the coin, the player would have to call Ted’s or Hale’s 😂
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Got to be everything put out by the US Mint , along with the outdated notion you can flip it for a nice profit.
These days , most folks don't want Coins at face value.
Give them Bitcoin though, watch em go into "Enron" mode. ,
Why did the football coach go to the bank?
To get his quarter back.
He who knows he has enough is rich.
Q: Why did the coin cross the street?
A: To get dropped, run over, and posted here.

Two good old boys were in the 2 seater outhouse doing their business, Elmer says, "oh no!"
"Whaa?" asks Rufus
"Dropped a quarter diwn in the pit!, see it there on top" exclaimed Elmer, pointing 7 feet below
"Give me your double eagle!" says Rufus
Elmer fishes his emergency gold coin out of his boot and hands Rufus the heavy $20 gold coin..
Rufus without hesitation drops the big yellow coin right into the sewage pit.
Elmer jumps up and shouts, "what n da hell ya do dat fo'??"
Says Rufus, "Ya don't expect me to climb down there for a friggin quarter, do ya!?!"
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
A guy wanders into an antique shop to look around.....He's picking up various things and admiring them. So he comes across a small bronze statue of a rat. There's something about it that he can't resist, so he negotiates an agreeable price. He soon leaves the store proudly admiring his new purchase. As he walking through town. all of a sudden, he sees a rat crawl out of a sewer and start following him. Then a rat comes out of an alley, also starts following him. He starts to get a bit anxious.
Soon, a rat crawls out of a dumpster, joins the pursuit. Another couple come up out of a sewer, then a few more, then more.....and more......
The guy finds himself at the edge of town, at the river, being followed by hundreds of rats. Really scared now, he throws his prized statue into the river. One by one, every one of the rats jumps into the river and drowns......
Somewhat relieved, the guy heads back to that little antique shop. The owner inquires, "What happened to your rat statue"? "Oh, that's gone", he says, "but not a problem"......
"I was just wondering if you had one in the shape of a coin dealer" ?
An old man walks into a bar and slams a bag of gold coins down,
addresses the customers by saying, "I'll give this entire bag of coins to any man here able to drink 10 pints in 2 minutes'"
Nobody takes him up on the offer but he notices an Irishman getting up and leaving.
A few minutes later the Irishman is back and says to him, "Is yer wager still applicable"
The old man tells him it is and the bartender sets 10 pints of ale on the bar.
In a minute and a half flat the Irishman is done and the old man hands him the bag of money.
"Just one thing sir", the Old man says, " I noticed you leaving the pub earlier when I introduced my proposal".
"Aye ye did ser," says the Irishman, "I went next door to see if I could do it first".
Cheers, RickO
A coin dealer termite walks into a pub and asks " Where's the Bar tender?"
In a train compartment, there are 3 men and a young woman. The four passengers join in conversation, which very soon turns to the erotic. Then, the young woman proposes, "If each of you will give me a quarter, I will show you my legs." The men, charmed by this young college girl, all pull a quarter out of their pocket. And then the girl pulls up her dress a bit to show her legs. Then she says, "If each of you gentlemen will give me a half dollar, I'll show you my thighs,". And men being what they are, they all pull out a half dollar. The girl pulls up her dress all the way to her legs in full. Conversation continues, and the men, a bit excited, have all taken off their coats. Then the young girl says, "If you will give me a silver dollar, I will show you where I was operated on for appendicitis." All three fork over the money. The girl then turned to the window and points outside at a building they're passing. "See there in the distance. That's the hospital where I had it done!"
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
Repeat from last time. A guy called his girlfriend a two bit tramp and she hit him with a bag of quarters.
What do you call a guy walking down the bourse with a RedBook??
--- a sucker.
Somebody telling me their rip off offer / scam sell or racket is “what the market” is going with (dictates).
I see my contribution (young woman who collected a quarter from "everyone") has been removed. I didn't think it was that risque but apparently it was beyond the level acceptability. My apologies!
Smitten with DBLCs.
That Morgan is at least two grades under graded.
I spent most of my money on gambling, booze and coins, the rest I just wasted.
Q: Two coins add up to 30 cents, and one is not a nickel. What are they?
A: A quarter and a nickel. The quarter isn't a nickel.
I was going to guess a dime and a twenty cent piece.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I apologize in advance
So this young streetwalker walks into a bank and she's dragging a 50 pound bag of quarters behind her and she plops them up on the counter of the tellers cage and say she wants to deposit them into her account, so the teller starts counting them and making small talk throughout the transaction and says "my my you sure have hoarded a lot quarters" and she say's "well to be truthful my sister helped whored some too"
I like it.................but not many 'common' folk would understand the logic.
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
2000 nickels are worth $100
Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA">Musky 1861 Mint Set
My mom, a lovely refined lady of 84 years old, told me this, though her punch line used a lawyer, but it zinged with a word I never before in my entire life had heard her previously utter.
A lovely refined lady (no higher praise, of course) in her child-bearing years visits a doctor for a pelvic exam in anticipation of her third marriage.
Having re-robed, she joins him in his office, and he expresses some confusion.
"Madam", he says," I found you quite healthy, but my examination contradicts the medical history you gave me. I understood you to tell me you were marrying for the third time, yet I found you intact, a virgin. This cannot be"
"Doctor" she replies "it most certainly can, and is, and is actually quite simple to explain".
As I said, it's quite simple.
My first husband, like you, was a gynecologist, and all he wanted to do was look at it.
And my second husband was a psychiatrist, and frankly, all he wanted to do was talk about it.
But now, I'm going to be marrying a coin dealer, and I know I'm going to get f@@ked"
Yah, enjoy it while you can.
UnPC, it's not that we're offended, as much as we're offended on behalf of the victims in this little tale.. those sensitive coin dealers 😉
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Just noting the Second Amendment implications of the Aristotle-attributed quote by @abcde12345 above. I expect Wayne LaPierre to weaponize it without grasping the intended sarcasm.
Presidential dollars. They aren't my favorite but they're still a joke.
The fact that the U.S. mint makes Lincoln penny’s for the price of more than what they are worth Makes No Cents
From Futurama:
Professor (looking up at Fry from below):
"Fry, you have a dime up your nose."
Fry (dejectedly):
"I wish !"
"Its a nickel !"
What side of a 25c coin is pro football; The Quarter Back
What's the favorite old Scottish football cheer?
"Get that quarter back ! , Get that quarter back !"
what did delaware
her new jersey