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1819 Bust Quarter Counterstamps: 200 Year Anniversary

1TwoBits1TwoBits Posts: 460 ✭✭✭✭
edited August 23, 2019 12:45PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Since there are only four Browning varieties for 1819 bust quarters, it's been a few months since the Browning 4 post I made in April.

How about some bust quarter counterstamps from 1819. If you have one, post any bust quarter counterstamp or any counterstamped coin from 1819.


From Brunk's listing, it says that Nathaniel Whitmore was a gunsmith in Sutton and then Mansfield MA.  It is mentioned that there is another stamp used by he and his son, Nathaniel Gilbert that they put on their guns:  N. & N.G. Whitmore.  It is reasoned that the N. Whitmore stamp is the stamp of the father.

H. Brown is listed in Brunk, but there is no detailed information and it is only listed as being stamped on an 1819 large cent.  It's interesting that this new piece is also a coin dated 1819.

Searching for bust quarters.....counterstamps, errors, and AU-MS varieties, please let me know if you can help.


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