@derryb said:
Simple. Based on this chart, overbought.
Can you update that to show the breakout above the upper line that occurred since $16.956, the first week of August? I have low $17's as a possible low if $17.43 wasn't it. $17ish would be re-test of your resistance which will become support and a textbook perfect entry point IMHO.
Not very contributory. Do yiu have a chart to share.
I started this thread to get smoe peeps to see something. Something i find to be very interesting. Sorry if you do not find interest in knowledge. Sad.
You already knew what the chart looked like and your conclusion about it, and you could have just posted it outright.
And no one would have learned a darn thing. Except derryb since he says he pays attention.
The point is to get folk to think for themselves. Too many of us like to be told what to think and usually by those who want us to pay for those thoughts. I dont work that way.
Think back on your own knowledge. Im sure the knowledge that resonates most is that which you discovered yourself, not what was simply told to you.
Reading this thread I see something about you, but I don't care to share it. Figure it out yourself for your own benefit.
Not very contributory. Do yiu have a chart to share.
I started this thread to get smoe peeps to see something. Something i find to be very interesting. Sorry if you do not find interest in knowledge. Sad.
You already knew what the chart looked like and your conclusion about it, and you could have just posted it outright.
And no one would have learned a darn thing. Except derryb since he says he pays attention.
The point is to get folk to think for themselves. Too many of us like to be told what to think and usually by those who want us to pay for those thoughts. I dont work that way.
Think back on your own knowledge. Im sure the knowledge that resonates most is that which you discovered yourself, not what was simply told to you.
Reading this thread I see something about you, but I don't care to share it. Figure it out yourself for your own benefit.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@derryb said:
Simple. Based on this chart, overbought.
Well, it went up 17% in the 3 weeks following this chart and your interpretation of it. Another great illustration of what i see is different from what you see.
Edthelorax, in this forum, TA takes a very distant back seat to manipulation and conspiracy theory and misinformation based fact or fundamentals. A very important "fundamental" of PMs is emotion, whereas TA removes emotion. It really is a case of removing the Emperor's clothes. Discussion of TA is oftentimes an exercise in futility, yet fullfilling in its simplicity.
Not very contributory. Do yiu have a chart to share.
I started this thread to get smoe peeps to see something. Something i find to be very interesting. Sorry if you do not find interest in knowledge. Sad.
You already knew what the chart looked like and your conclusion about it, and you could have just posted it outright.
And no one would have learned a darn thing. Except derryb since he says he pays attention.
The point is to get folk to think for themselves. Too many of us like to be told what to think and usually by those who want us to pay for those thoughts. I dont work that way.
Think back on your own knowledge. Im sure the knowledge that resonates most is that which you discovered yourself, not what was simply told to you.
Reading this thread I see something about you, but I don't care to share it. Figure it out yourself for your own benefit.
The point is to get folk to think for themselves. Too many of us like to be told what to think and usually by those who want us to pay for those thoughts. I dont work that way.
It's called "input."
Without it you would have very narrow output.
Unlike you I welcome differing opinions. If nothing else they make me take a closer look at my own. Something you should try.
Honestly, I think you two are more alike and like "us", than you care to admit publicly.
@cohodk said:
Edthelorax, in this forum, TA takes a very distant back seat to manipulation and conspiracy theory and misinformation based fact or fundamentals. A very important "fundamental" of PMs is emotion, whereas TA removes emotion. It really is a case of removing the Emperor's clothes. Discussion of TA is oftentimes an exercise in futility, yet fullfilling in its simplicity.
Perhaps TA... reading charts... does take a back seat to manipulation and conspiracy theory... which BTW, more and more has been coming to light.
IMO, TA.... reading charts.... is about as useful as reading tea leaves or chicken bones., It is fantastic in explaining past patterns and behaviors, but not so much so for future results. After all, what is that phrase your industry is so fond of saying when trying to get individuals to invest in their products, something like... "past performance is no guarantee of future results"? Now, why would they say that if one could 'predict' by looking at a chart?? So you are saying that TA chart reading WILL predict future results?? At least significantly more often than not??
As stated, the above is JMHO on TA chart reading, I tend to lean more towards an 'efficient market' type theory. If you or others disagree, then no problem... and especially if you have profited from using it, then by all means continue to use it if it really does work for you. We all find a method that works for us.
Not sure I need any more fishing lessons, as I have learned to fish many years ago , as have many others on this forum, and have done well enough. But thank you for your 'learn to fish' offer, but I'm not sure if you are really wanting to teach others how to fish... or trying to 'hook' someone.
Please end the vagueness and make your point, so we can make our own judgement on it.
Perhaps TA... reading charts... does take a back seat to manipulation and conspiracy theory... which BTW, more and more has been coming to light.
IMO, TA.... reading charts.... is about as useful as reading tea leaves or chicken bones., It is fantastic in explaining past patterns and behaviors, but not so much so for future results. After all, what is that phrase your industry is so fond of saying when trying to get individuals to invest in their products, something like... "past performance is no guarantee of future results"? Now, why would they say that if one could 'predict' by looking at a chart?? So you are saying that TA chart reading WILL predict future results?? At least significantly more often than not??
As stated, the above is JMHO on TA chart reading, I tend to lean more towards an 'efficient market' type theory. If you or others disagree, then no problem... and especially if you have profited from using it, then by all means continue to use it if it really does work for you. We all find a method that works for us.
Not sure I need any more fishing lessons, as I have learned to fish many years ago , as have many others on this forum, and have done well enough. But thank you for your 'learn to fish' offer, but I'm not sure if you are really wanting to teach others how to fish... or trying to 'hook' someone.
Please end the vagueness and make your point, so we can make our own judgement on it.
I see TA as a method of increasing your chances of being right about where price will be in the future.
It helps me to know at what point I am wrong. This is very important to me, as I am wrong often.
Not all TA is created equal. If you have really good TA, it will still be wrong sometimes.
Similar to counting cards, just because you can count does not mean you know what the next card will be. What you are doing is using the information to sway the odds in your favor.
TA can help determine when an improperly valued asset is starting to correct toward fair pricing. It can help determine what levels others see as important in regards to that pricing. It can show when to hold 'em, when to fold them.
IMHO, TA is invaluable when forming a plan to trade. Investing is different because you can just wait out the irrational pricing. Having a solid plan while trading is imperative to long term success.
Let's take silver for example.
My TA says there is a decent chance that 17.43 was a low. If not, then 17.05 would be the next place to look for one. With the chances of it being a low about 80% (for the purpose of this conversation) assuming 17.43 is broken. Below that is serious trouble for the silver bull market.
TA says that the that line that silver broke at 17 have greatly increased the odds that the 5 year consolidation is ending.
One example of how TA can be used to limit losses and lock in gains.
Stop at 1126 means the TA was wrong and the trader should take a 1% loss. The green lines show that the trader should take profit at about 4% intervals. So if 4 ounces were bought, the risk would be 4% the reward would be 4+8+12+16=40/4=10% gain. A 1:10 risk/reward ratio is very good. It is expected that a trader should know to move the stop up to break even IF the first target is hit. For readers that do not know, gold did not to go below 1126 since this was made.
I understand why so many people want to hate on TA, most of the TA I see sucks.
Everyone is welcome to question my motives for trying to share. I know what they are. If you want to know, it is because I want revenge for 2008. All I can do is try to share what little I have learned so others don't have to suffer what I did. I would like to blame "the manipulators" but I can only blame myself.
Would I like to have more people to talk to about TA, silver, gold, miners, investing, trading, and anything else? YES!
That is why I had SilverStocker built 3 years ago. That is why I extended an invitation to all here.
Am I trying to "hook" them? I don't believe so. I feel I went out of my way building SilverStocker, making it free, not having ads, and the fact that I do not sell anything should be enough to show my intent. If anyone thinks that I am trying to sway the markets in my favor, all I can say is that I could only dream of having such influence.
I have the same intent with CounterfeitCoinCatalog.Com. I spend my money, which I can barely spare, to have place to share knowledge and have a free public record of counterfeit coins. I get a similar response about counterfeits as I do TA. Most people could care less, even those I thought would and should. I assume because it does not affect them directly. I will have the money to build CCC some day and it will be great.
Most folk cant read charts or recognize patterns. Look at 1 million charts over 30 years and TA wont be so mysterious or only "backward" looking. Is it perfect? No. Nothing is. But i can promise you that knowing it is better than not.
Ive tried to go the direct and to the point route. Very few listened. Now youll have to read between the lines. Or not.
And ive offered derryb a beer on numerous occasions. He just needs to name place and time. I think he and i and jmski et al, have much in common. We'd have a blast.
@derryb said:
Simple. Based on this chart, overbought.
Well, it went up 17% in the 3 weeks following this chart and your interpretation of it. Another great illustration of what i see is different from what you see.
Fact remains that chart shows it overbought at that point in time. This is why I continue to say interpreting charts is like seeing things in the clouds. Trends are highly subjective.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@derryb said:
Simple. Based on this chart, overbought.
Well, it went up 17% in the 3 weeks following this chart and your interpretation of it. Another great illustration of what i see is different from what you see.
Fact remains that chart shows it overbought at that point in time.
Further illustration--your comment is an opinion, not a fact. The term "overbought" is subjective and usually based on ones knowledge and experience.
@derryb said:
Simple. Based on this chart, overbought.
Well, it went up 17% in the 3 weeks following this chart and your interpretation of it. Another great illustration of what i see is different from what you see.
Obviously anyone who read chart correctly, as did I, would have based their trades on bad data. Good example of why I don't "project" future price based strictly on past price.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
No idea what you mean, except you providing further evidence of your close mindedness. Failure to see failure leads to failure. So the default is to place blame somewhere else, as in bad data, conspiracy, or them.
That malady is common place in situations that rely on emotion as a primary fundamental.
@derryb said:
Simple. Based on this chart, overbought.
Well, it went up 17% in the 3 weeks following this chart and your interpretation of it. Another great illustration of what i see is different from what you see.
Fact remains that chart shows it overbought at that point in time. This is why I continue to say interpreting charts is like seeing things in the clouds. Trends are highly subjective.
Truth, that chart in no way shows or hints at being overbought, at least to someone who knows to read a chart...
Again, you assume incorrectly. Regardless of how much I like silver, I do in fact diversify. This is something you already know because I have said it before.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
You already knew what the chart looked like and your conclusion about it, and you could have just posted it outright.
And no one would have learned a darn thing. Except derryb since he says he pays attention.
The point is to get folk to think for themselves. Too many of us like to be told what to think and usually by those who want us to pay for those thoughts. I dont work that way.
Think back on your own knowledge. Im sure the knowledge that resonates most is that which you discovered yourself, not what was simply told to you.
There is nothing here to "learn" (yet). You have an opinion. You promote that opinion. Maybe you convince some people to adopt your opinion. Maybe your opinion will turn out to be correct .. or not. The "learning" will come later when the price of silver conforms to your projection ... or not.
@derryb said:
Again, you assume incorrectly. Regardless of how much I like silver, I do in fact diversify. This is something you already know because I have said it before.
@metalmeister said:
Wish I could go back to year 2000! Every one was buying Dot.Com bubble stocks and $ilver was wayyyy too cheap. Oh well at least I bought some
It is my opinion that we may as well be in 2000. (2003-4) Silver is wayyy too cheap and everyone bought the bitcoin bubble 2 years ago and they are working on the SP500 and bond bubbles.
@MsMorrisine said:
Apparently this place is free but with the ads.
I honestly hope I didn't offend you.
I only wanted to post an image of a chart, but I had problems. So I posted that link and then the surrounding message instead. As I did, I apparently got a little carried away. I tend to get passionate about the things i really enjoy.
I had my IT girl figure out how to fix my problem so that I can post my charts.
The first is a silver chart in British pounds from 2011 until June 24th. I don't usually chart silver in GBP, but this one worked so perfectly, I want to show it off. It has an inverse head and shoulders in blue with a target of 15.58 and a cup and handle in red with a target of 20.20. The second is an current version with all the prices since.
The first target (blue) was met. We will have to wait to see if the second (red) does also. The lowest it can go and still be silver positive is a retest of the breakout of the green trendline at 12.20. I do not think it will go that low, at least not soon. If I adjust the smaller Fibonacci retracement to meet the now known high and the Sept./Nov. double bottom, the price retraced 38.2%. That is a common bullish retracement. I think that 14 has a good chance of being the extent of the short-term decline.
Some charts work and some don't.
Some coins we show off and others we just keep in the safe.
And what we have here is.....another hint that silver was making a trend change.
Accumulation starting last summer. A broken downtrend line. General apathy and dispair in the community as evidenced by my thread discussing "$1000 FV for sale".
All these clues pointing to a change. And what did we hear? Charts suck and silver is overbought (derryb). Lol
Free your minds of the outside noise of conspiracy, manipulation, Fed this, JPM that, and just look at what you can see. There are always lots of clues out there to help one become a better investor and trader.
I hope y'all made lots of money over the last year.
PS--good work edthelorax. Just clean up your charts a bit. Too many lines. Sometimes when we draw a lot we see what isnt there. Keep it simple.
@cohodk said:
And what we have here is.....another hint that silver was making a trend change.
Accumulation starting last summer. A broken downtrend line. General apathy and dispair in the community as evidenced by my thread discussing "$1000 FV for sale".
All these clues pointing to a change. And what did we hear? Charts suck and silver is overbought (derryb). Lol
Wrong again.
In this very thread I said on 9/17 that the chart was showing silver was overbought. Later same day pointed out that in reality it was oversold, which we now know was a correct call. On 9/20 I again discredited the chart with "fact remains that chart shows it overbought at that point in time. This is why I continue to say interpreting charts is like seeing things in the clouds. Trends are highly subjective."
The chart was was being interpreted wrong by you. I said it was wrong, and now here we are seven months later with much, much higher silver.
But you are finally right about one thing, charts do suck when determining the future. They are only good for the past. Maybe that's why they call them historical charts. LOL
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@cohodk said:
Sorry you missed the decades long equity rally and timely PM entry.
You coulda been a contender.
Imagine how.much silver you coulda had. Theyd be calling you J P Derryb.
Didn't miss it. Just didn't put all of my eggs into it knowing it's gonna blow. As you well know I gotta lotta silver, more than a contender. Grandbaby calls me J Pop.
All the reasons I diverted some money to PMs on the cheap are the very reasons you should be thankful for your luck and exit. But you will have to pay far more for your insurance policy than some of us did.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@derryb said:
Must be a full time job trying to follow and respond to all of my forum posts. LOL
You should trying to follow PMs, you might make some money.
Well, actually, i started this thread, so maybe i follow me?
And its quite obvious I follow PMs....i started this thread, remember? And i started this thread to draw attention to a change in character in silver, so that maybe some could actually (finally) make some money.
Can you update that to show the breakout above the upper line that occurred since $16.956, the first week of August? I have low $17's as a possible low if $17.43 wasn't it. $17ish would be re-test of your resistance which will become support and a textbook perfect entry point IMHO.
Anyone can PM me Any Time about Any thing.
cohodk is practicing being > @cohodk said:
Reading this thread I see something about you, but I don't care to share it. Figure it out yourself for your own benefit.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Where are those JPM manipulators when we need them? Lets get this pig back to $50.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I agree. Thats what makes the world go round.
The withholding of information can at times give the appearance of arrogance, aloofness or incredulity. Burden is as burdens are.
And look at all the discourse we've created. If j just gave you a fish, you'd be hungry today.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Well, it went up 17% in the 3 weeks following this chart and your interpretation of it. Another great illustration of what i see is different from what you see.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Edthelorax, in this forum, TA takes a very distant back seat to manipulation and conspiracy theory and misinformation based fact or fundamentals. A very important "fundamental" of PMs is emotion, whereas TA removes emotion. It really is a case of removing the Emperor's clothes. Discussion of TA is oftentimes an exercise in futility, yet fullfilling in its simplicity.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Usually a good time to buy.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Honestly, I think you two are more alike and like "us", than you care to admit publicly.
Perhaps TA... reading charts... does take a back seat to manipulation and conspiracy theory... which BTW, more and more has been coming to light.
IMO, TA.... reading charts.... is about as useful as reading tea leaves or chicken bones., It is fantastic in explaining past patterns and behaviors, but not so much so for future results. After all, what is that phrase your industry is so fond of saying when trying to get individuals to invest in their products, something like... "past performance is no guarantee of future results"? Now, why would they say that if one could 'predict' by looking at a chart?? So you are saying that TA chart reading WILL predict future results?? At least significantly more often than not??
As stated, the above is JMHO on TA chart reading, I tend to lean more towards an 'efficient market' type theory. If you or others disagree, then no problem... and especially if you have profited from using it, then by all means continue to use it if it really does work for you. We all find a method that works for us.
Not sure I need any more fishing lessons, as I have learned to fish many years ago , as have many others on this forum, and have done well enough. But thank you for your 'learn to fish' offer, but I'm not sure if you are really wanting to teach others how to fish... or trying to 'hook' someone.
Please end the vagueness and make your point, so we can make our own judgement on it.
I see TA as a method of increasing your chances of being right about where price will be in the future.
It helps me to know at what point I am wrong. This is very important to me, as I am wrong often.
Not all TA is created equal. If you have really good TA, it will still be wrong sometimes.
Similar to counting cards, just because you can count does not mean you know what the next card will be. What you are doing is using the information to sway the odds in your favor.
TA can help determine when an improperly valued asset is starting to correct toward fair pricing. It can help determine what levels others see as important in regards to that pricing. It can show when to hold 'em, when to fold them.
IMHO, TA is invaluable when forming a plan to trade. Investing is different because you can just wait out the irrational pricing. Having a solid plan while trading is imperative to long term success.
Let's take silver for example.

My TA says there is a decent chance that 17.43 was a low. If not, then 17.05 would be the next place to look for one. With the chances of it being a low about 80% (for the purpose of this conversation) assuming 17.43 is broken. Below that is serious trouble for the silver bull market.
TA says that the that line that silver broke at 17 have greatly increased the odds that the 5 year consolidation is ending.
One example of how TA can be used to limit losses and lock in gains.
Stop at 1126 means the TA was wrong and the trader should take a 1% loss. The green lines show that the trader should take profit at about 4% intervals. So if 4 ounces were bought, the risk would be 4% the reward would be 4+8+12+16=40/4=10% gain. A 1:10 risk/reward ratio is very good. It is expected that a trader should know to move the stop up to break even IF the first target is hit. For readers that do not know, gold did not to go below 1126 since this was made.
I understand why so many people want to hate on TA, most of the TA I see sucks.
Everyone is welcome to question my motives for trying to share. I know what they are. If you want to know, it is because I want revenge for 2008. All I can do is try to share what little I have learned so others don't have to suffer what I did. I would like to blame "the manipulators" but I can only blame myself.
Would I like to have more people to talk to about TA, silver, gold, miners, investing, trading, and anything else? YES!
That is why I had SilverStocker built 3 years ago. That is why I extended an invitation to all here.
Am I trying to "hook" them? I don't believe so. I feel I went out of my way building SilverStocker, making it free, not having ads, and the fact that I do not sell anything should be enough to show my intent. If anyone thinks that I am trying to sway the markets in my favor, all I can say is that I could only dream of having such influence.
I have the same intent with CounterfeitCoinCatalog.Com. I spend my money, which I can barely spare, to have place to share knowledge and have a free public record of counterfeit coins. I get a similar response about counterfeits as I do TA. Most people could care less, even those I thought would and should. I assume because it does not affect them directly. I will have the money to build CCC some day and it will be great.
Was that another shameless plug?
No, it was 2.
Anyone can PM me Any Time about Any thing.
Most folk cant read charts or recognize patterns. Look at 1 million charts over 30 years and TA wont be so mysterious or only "backward" looking. Is it perfect? No. Nothing is. But i can promise you that knowing it is better than not.
Ive tried to go the direct and to the point route. Very few listened. Now youll have to read between the lines. Or not.
And ive offered derryb a beer on numerous occasions. He just needs to name place and time. I think he and i and jmski et al, have much in common. We'd have a blast.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Fact remains that chart shows it overbought at that point in time. This is why I continue to say interpreting charts is like seeing things in the clouds. Trends are highly subjective.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Further illustration--your comment is an opinion, not a fact. The term "overbought" is subjective and usually based on ones knowledge and experience.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Obviously anyone who read chart correctly, as did I, would have based their trades on bad data. Good example of why I don't "project" future price based strictly on past price.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
No idea what you mean, except you providing further evidence of your close mindedness. Failure to see failure leads to failure. So the default is to place blame somewhere else, as in bad data, conspiracy, or them.
That malady is common place in situations that rely on emotion as a primary fundamental.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Says the tea leaf reader.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Truth, that chart in no way shows or hints at being overbought, at least to someone who knows to read a chart...
$800,000 in 2011 if invested in the SP500 would be worth $2,000,000 today, or equivalent of over 110,000 oz of silver.
Derryb knows what im talking about. Lol
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Again, you assume incorrectly. Regardless of how much I like silver, I do in fact diversify. This is something you already know because I have said it before.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
There is nothing here to "learn" (yet). You have an opinion. You promote that opinion. Maybe you convince some people to adopt your opinion. Maybe your opinion will turn out to be correct .. or not. The "learning" will come later when the price of silver conforms to your projection ... or not.
Maybe your opinion will turn out to be correct
What opinion did i "promote"?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I guess you didnt know what i was referring to.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Wish I could go back to year 2000! Every one was buying Dot.Com bubble stocks and $ilver was wayyyy too cheap. Oh well at least I bought some
100% Positive BST transactions
It is my opinion that we may as well be in 2000. (2003-4) Silver is wayyy too cheap and everyone bought the bitcoin bubble 2 years ago and they are working on the SP500 and bond bubbles.

Anyone can PM me Any Time about Any thing.
Volatility greatly decreased starting around 2017.
Huge increase in volume starting around June 2019.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
My crystal ball is a little foggy.
100% Positive BST transactions
Anyone can PM me Any Time about Any thing.
they're working on it, overtime.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
And what we have here is.....another hint that silver was making a trend change.
Accumulation starting last summer. A broken downtrend line. General apathy and dispair in the community as evidenced by my thread discussing "$1000 FV for sale".
All these clues pointing to a change. And what did we hear? Charts suck and silver is overbought (derryb). Lol
Free your minds of the outside noise of conspiracy, manipulation, Fed this, JPM that, and just look at what you can see. There are always lots of clues out there to help one become a better investor and trader.
I hope y'all made lots of money over the last year.
PS--good work edthelorax. Just clean up your charts a bit. Too many lines. Sometimes when we draw a lot we see what isnt there. Keep it simple.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Wrong again.
In this very thread I said on 9/17 that the chart was showing silver was overbought. Later same day pointed out that in reality it was oversold, which we now know was a correct call. On 9/20 I again discredited the chart with "fact remains that chart shows it overbought at that point in time. This is why I continue to say interpreting charts is like seeing things in the clouds. Trends are highly subjective."
The chart was was being interpreted wrong by you. I said it was wrong, and now here we are seven months later with much, much higher silver.
But you are finally right about one thing, charts do suck when determining the future. They are only good for the past. Maybe that's why they call them historical charts. LOL
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Sorry you missed the decades long equity rally and timely PM entry.
You coulda been a contender.
Imagine how.much silver you coulda had. Theyd be calling you J P Derryb.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Didn't miss it. Just didn't put all of my eggs into it knowing it's gonna blow. As you well know I gotta lotta silver, more than a contender. Grandbaby calls me J Pop.
All the reasons I diverted some money to PMs on the cheap are the very reasons you should be thankful for your luck and exit. But you will have to pay far more for your insurance policy than some of us did.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
But you will have to pay far more for your insurance policy than some of us did.
Haha...only way you got in cheaper than me is if you bought the day before i did or in 2008. But then you would have immeasurable opportunity cost.
Then again it wasnt an insurance policy. Because, well, you know, PMs are not an insurance policy.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Must be a full time job trying to follow and respond to all of my forum posts. LOL
You should trying to follow PMs, you might make some money.
Don't forget I'm in the stamp forum as well.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Well, actually, i started this thread, so maybe i follow me?
And its quite obvious I follow PMs....i started this thread, remember? And i started this thread to draw attention to a change in character in silver, so that maybe some could actually (finally) make some money.
I don't make you look like a fool.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear