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Metal detecting season

rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

This is the prime of metal detecting season and I do not see many posts....especially the last week or two.... What's up? Vacations, graduations, holidays??? Cheers, RickO


  • AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,803 ✭✭✭✭✭

    111° here this afternoon........My season is winter...

    bob :)
    PS: yes it is dead here and I just hope they are all out digging and getting ready to post those spectacular or not so spectacular finds!

    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
  • metalmeistermetalmeister Posts: 4,587 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Any time is a good time. Need to break away from my wife's honey do's. ;-)

    email: ccacollectibles@yahoo.com

    100% Positive BST transactions
  • Namvet69Namvet69 Posts: 9,107 ✭✭✭✭✭

    On Saturday I was back at an old farm in Hopewell NJ. My friend dug a nice WW1 1st infantry Co. D collar insignia while I was digging a hole to China on a chirpy signal from 8" down. Plucked this 1919 SLQ out. Shiny as the day it was lost. Just a dip in acetone and here it is. I don't mind the heat although I'm in a cow pasture and the bugs are a challenge. Peace Roy

    BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW

  • AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,803 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Huh? This coin has been scrubbed and ruined. Is this a joke, Roy?

    bob :)

    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Well... it is a silver quarter... so good find Roy... Cheers, RickO

  • Namvet69Namvet69 Posts: 9,107 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @AUandAG I would never do that.
    Nope, no scrubby, came out of the ground shiny and tarnished. Compressed in light brown river silt soil. About 12" away I dug a 1935 Mercury dime at 6" so if both coins were part of a coin spill then the SLQ circulated for 15 years before a dirt nap. Peace Roy

    BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW

  • I just retired so I now have some time to use my metal detector. Any suggestions on the best places to go hunting? FYI, I am in GA and not near the beach. :(

  • Namvet69Namvet69 Posts: 9,107 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Research local civil war skirmish sites, anywhere you have permission, around old foundations, military encampment sites, circus tent and festival-fair grounds. Have fun. Peace Roy

    BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Parpope....Welcome aboard....Look for old sites - your local library can be a treasure trove of information - maps etc., carnival sites, fairgrounds, civil war sites (not those designated off limits), sports fields and others...Good luck and let us know how it goes... Cheers, RickO

  • kevinstangkevinstang Posts: 1,520 ✭✭✭

    Been so dry here in upstate NY that the ground is rock hard. Went out Tuesday night and got lots of good signals in a pasture near an old homestead but couldn't break the ground even with an entrenching shovel- think I even got planter faciatitist or whatever its called in my wrist! Did find a few pennies and a nice xf 1925 merc dime the week before near the base of a tree in a neighbors yard. Have some sites that look promising lined up for later in fall with a friend.

  • Namvet69Namvet69 Posts: 9,107 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Another interesting source for old ground is reading turn of the century fire insurance maps. These were drawn up to identify all wood structures and fire risk.

    BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW

  • metalmeistermetalmeister Posts: 4,587 ✭✭✭✭✭

    My latest trip was out meteorite hunting in the Desert before the heat really soared. No meteorites, just meteor wrongs for the rock garden :-)

    email: ccacollectibles@yahoo.com

    100% Positive BST transactions
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @metalmeister ....What type of signal does a meteorite give on your MD? Cheers, RickO

  • metalmeistermetalmeister Posts: 4,587 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Ricko. Well, I don't really know yet. I did a eye ball find of a meteorite at the Meteor Crater in AZ. When I put it under the coil it gives a iron signal. Anyway, It's the trill of the hunt for me. I am searching CA deserts.

    email: ccacollectibles@yahoo.com

    100% Positive BST transactions
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