[CLOSED] "Win LordM's Loot" Giveaway #3 (closed on 8/31/19)

(But the next one is here)
"Win LordM's Loot" Giveaway #3
Deadline for entries: Midnight Eastern US time, Saturday, August 31, 2019.
This will be a random drawing at the end of the month, using the random.org True Random Number Generator.
Winner will get his or her choice of one item from my "Pick Bin & Giveaway Goodies" page. (Give that link a moment to load.)
To enter:
(1) Please include the words "entry post" in your initial post to this thread - and only your first post. You may reply to this thread as many times as you like, but if you put the phrase "entry post" into more than one reply, you will disqualify yourself.
(2) In addition to the words "entry post", post something else that is coin-related in some way- whatever you like.
(3) Please view the list of prizes and specify your first, second, and third choices, in order.
(4) You may edit your post to change your three prize picks at any time before the deadline, but remember, only one entry post per member, and one prize.
(5) There are no strings attached, and I pay shipping- worldwide- but if international shipping ever proves too costly on an item (or if all three of your prize picks are gone at the time of the drawing), I reserve the right to offer you a different prize or a PayPal gift instead.
Note that the prizes are drawn from my pick bin list. Ignore any pricetags you see. The list is subject to change throughout the month. Items are subject to prior sale or trade. But new items might also be added.
This is why I want you to list first, second, and third choices, and encourage you to periodically check the list for changes and new additions, and edit the selections in your entry post if you want.
Good luck!
For some idea of how these work, here is last month's contest.

My fat man looks a little under nourished.
1: German imperial medal
2: Ukranian medal
3: Atlantis hand poured bar
entry post
If money doesn't grow on trees why do banks have branches?
Roman Empire: bronze antoninianus of Claudius II Gothicus, ca. 268-270 AD, Rome mint, Jupiter reverse
Roman Empire: bronze antoninianus of Divus Claudius II, ca. 270-271 AD, eagle reverse, posthumous issue
Roman Empire: bronze radiate of Maximianus, ca. 286-305 AD
I think that type is generally referred to as a "Junk dollar". Love 'em.
The so-called"fatman" dollar is a different type.
(Sun-Yat Sen does look a bit slimmer on the Junk dollars, doesn't he.)
Here's one I had, earlier this year.
Thanks @lordmarcovan I knew the actual fat man is a little earlier then this junk dollar but I thought it was the same guy on both coins that's why I said he looked under nourished. Why do you think he was depicted so much smaller on these. Think he had gastro LOL?
"Entry Post"
Jefferson's Ghost
Lincoln Memorial Cent - 1990 Flip Over Double Struck Error
Confederate Fractional Note - 75 cents
Roman Empire: bronze antoninianus of Claudius II Gothicus, ca. 268-270 AD, Rome mint, Jupiter reverse
BST transactions - mach1ne - Ronyahski - pitboss (x2) - Bigbuck1975 (x2) - jimineez1 - nk1nk - bidask - WaterSport - logger7 - SurfinxHI (x2) - Smittys - Bennybravo - Proofcollector
Not the same guy. Yuan Shikai is the "Fatman". That's Sun Yat-sen on the Junk dollar.
Entry Post
1 Atlantis loaf bar
2 1853 seated dime
3 1908 barber half
entry post
Thank you for the opportunity
Someday: 1901-s Quarter
Everything is all right!
Entry post
What a fun chance ....
Entry post.
Thanks for this month's contest!
yes, it says cleaned, but..
1803's are expensive, and I can barely see the cleaning.
And, the price was right
Oops: I forgot:
1 Atlantis loaf bar
2 1853 seated dime
3 1908 barber half
BHNC #203
Entry Post
1- confederate .75c note
2-Atlantis silver bar
3- any Roman coin
AlmostOver 100 successful deals on this forum spanning well over 10 years now, feel free to ask for references!Entry Post.
The Rittenhouse Society was the second American numismatic specialty organization founded, and remains one of the most exclusive groups today.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Entry post

Cool giveaway LordM!
If I am lucky enough,
1. 1930 1c
2. Panama 50 Balboa
3. 1954-S Frankie
Thanks again!
Entry Post. The earliest recorded coin collection belonged to Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome. He lived from 63 B.C. to A.D. 14, and the eighth month of our year is named after him. Thanks for the chance LordM...... 54-s Franklin, Panama Proof Balboa, Atlantis Mint (Loaf) bar.
Entry Post.

1. Roman Empire Claudius 268-270 AD
2. Roman Empire Claudius 270-271 AD
3. Roman Empire Maximianus 286-305
Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your give away Lord M.
You'll need to pick from the giveaway list, not my Eclectic Box collection!
*I salute your good taste, however.
Oops...sorry Lord M.
No worries! By all means, DO pick some stuff from the giveaway list. There's a link in the OP.
Edit- aha. You found it. Good luck!
Added an 1891 quarter to the list. Low grade, sure, but a decently appealing example for its pricerange. (Which would be zero if you won it.)
Also, an 1893 Columbian half.
Entry Post

My first graded silver coin! Always wanted a nice dragon silver Japanese coin
1.United States: silver Capped Bust dime, 1834
2.Japan (Edo period): cast bronze 100-mon coin
3.Japan (Meiji era): silver shu
87 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 53 members and counting!
Entry post:
I’ll tell you a story. Last weekend I went to an auction and it had some coins which I purchased. Most of the coins were silver 5 & 10 mark coins from west Germany, however there was a great surprise which was a Martin Luther East German 20 mark worth 200-300$ which I paid 5$ for. All of the German coins I paid under melt!
1.hand poured silver bar
2.1853 seated dime
3. 1967 1/2 balboa
Thank you for the giveaway!
Sold four items from the Pick Bin (which the prize here is drawn from), but added six more, including some even-older ancients and some unusual stuff (a nice big old Japanese shōgun coin and a large Weimar-era German porcelain medal).
The new additions are shown as "on hold" merely because they have not yet arrived. I would imagine they probably will, in time for the end of the month when the drawing is done.
Entry Post:
Love the 1864 2 cent coin for its 25+ RPD's, DDO's and DDR's... Putting together a collection of just these. Also love the eac 1/2 cent coins....
1: Spain: silver 2-reales of Philip V, 1723-A, Madrid mint, with unknown scalloped rectangular counterstamp
2: Japan (Meiji era): silver shu (Isshu Gin), ca. 1868-1869
3: Confederate States of America: fractional currency note, 75 cents, Richmond, Virginia, April 14th, 1862, uniface printing
Entry post...
Entry post,
I have spent most of my days off going through tons of coins looking for any specials and even though I haven't found it yet.
I'm still just as excited as I was when the hunt began.
I would love these 3 if I were to win.
1858 Liberty dime
1956 ANACS MS65 Quarter
Thanks much. Have a great week all!
Entry post
Hungary: silver "Madonna & Child" denar of Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I, 1544-KB
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
Entry post. Thanks for the chance again.

1865 2 cent
1853 seated dime
1857 seated dime
Thanks, Jim
Collect raw morgans, walkers, mercs, SLQ, barber q. Looking at getting into earlier date coins pre 1900s.
Entry post
On the topic of pirate treasure, I once bought a holed half escudo (gold) from a man who said he had found it while snorkeling. He said he saw a glimmer and went down to investigate and retrieved the small coin. I personally would have never sold a coin found in this manner!
Pirate treasure!
1.(4-piece lot): Spanish Colonial silver coins of Charles III & IV; late-1700s/early 1800s, culls (half-real, 1-real, 2-reales, & 4-reales)
2.Spain: silver 2-reales of Philip V, 1723-A, Madrid mint, with unknown scalloped rectangular counterstamp
3.Mexico (Spanish Colonial): silver 2-reales of Charles III, 1788-FM, Mexico City mint
Thank you for the chance!
It's all about what the people want...
Entry Post.
Thanks for the contest !
Howdy. Just a quick note to say that I'm postponing the drawing until after after Hurricane Dorian passes. We're "battening down the hatches" here, so to speak. If anybody wants to enter in the meantime, consider the deadline extended until my return.
Cross yer fingers for us!
See you soon, hopefully.
I'm with you there. Could never have sold that gold half-escudo, had i found it. I've dug Spanish colonial silver while detecting, but never gold. A local friend of mine found a 1781 Mexico City 1-escudo on a waterfront site here in our town, though. And a lovely 1907 $10 Lib, too. Same site, different eras. Double gold. Amazing.
Here is my half-escudo. Bought, not dug. Key date for the series, yet I snagged it for around half catalog, in one of my better buys of the last few years. Love the toning on it.
OK, since we're not evacuated yet, and I'm not working tonight (the hotel is closed and the last guests left today), I'll fire up the random number generator and draw our winner here, in just a moment.
Stand by...
And the random number generator has smiled upon ...
@mannie gray!
@mannie gray - The 1930 Lincoln cent you picked as your first choice is available (and indeed, so are your second and third choices). You might want to click that link in the OP one more time, however, since a lot of new stuff has been added to the list recently.
Note that some are marked "hold" simply because they are new acquisitions not yet in hand. As of this post, all of the "hold" coins are in fact available to choose, except the 1896 Guatemalan 1/4 real. I'm just waiting for them to get here, is all.
Send me a PM with your final selection and your shipping address and I'll get your prize off to you as soon as Hurricane Dorian has left our area and normalcy has returned.
Numismatic regards,
Wow.... thanks.
Cool contest and interesting prizes to choose from as well!
That is awesome... the toning on yours is quite nice - and what are the chances, the one I am speaking of is also a 1759!! I hadn't realized it was a keydate ... here it is and an attempt at creativity. Pictures taken on the ole' cellphone but you get the idea. Cheers!
Congrats Mannie Gray on the win and thanks again Lordmarcovan for the giveaway!!
It's all about what the people want...
@LukeMarshall -
PS- the creative "undersea" backdrop you used was neat.