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Found in a $200 Nickel Bag While Searching for Silver - A Rare Buffalo?

SaorAlbaSaorAlba Posts: 7,560 ✭✭✭✭✭

I have a deal with one of my credit unions that I take their bagged and rolled coin and search all of it. Unfortunately I found no war nickels which are my main focus in nickels, but I did find three Buffers - two dateless and the centre one with a partial date of 192+ and the last numeral is either a 0 or a 6 - and to top it off, flipping it over it has a clear on the coin but not so much in my lousy cell phone picture S mintmark.

I only found one silver dime in all the dimes, but again a lot of wheats in the cents, including a 1909 plain and a 1919-S.

What do you think about the centre coin? '20 or '26?

Tir nam beann, nan gleann, s'nan gaisgeach ~ Saorstat Albanaich a nis!


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