Gooden busted
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Just saw where Dwight was busted with 2 bags of cocaine. Sad times.
It's sad whenever anyone is addicted to drugs. He was a great pitcher. Drugs ruins too many lives. I used to love watching him play.
This headline could have been written anytime between 1985 and today.
Yea just an ongoing struggle for the guy, too bad.
Really a shame.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Yeah...i checked the op date to see if this was an old thread.
Whoever thought that of the two it would be Strawberry who finally figured it out.
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
Mets and Jets should merge.
Nobody to blame but himself.
Drug addiction (along with many other addictions) is just sad to me. We can blame the person but, unfortunately, they do not possess self-control that the rest of us do. Talk about a wasted talent. Very sad.
Sad story, had tremendous talent. Remember everyone trying to get his Rookie Card back in 85.
Last I read about Strawberry he had met his 3d wif in a recovery program and they had opened a ministry in St Charles, a suburb of St Louis. That was a couple of years ago
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
My 2 cents is that I have ZERO empathy for these fools.
Others have beaten the dragon, he just had no will power to do so. Kinda like cigarettes, you get addicted to the nicotine. I used to smoke 3 packs of Lucky Strikes per DAY. I quit the day I got home from Vietnam, Nov 6, was tough for 3 days, cold turkey and I was done.
I hear ya man!! Suck it up and do it!!
I quit smoking in March 1970. It wasn't all that difficult. In fact up to that time I had quit smoking a hundred times.
Tobacco is a freaking nightmare to quit, I absolutely respect you old timers who quit without the patch or other stuff to help. I haven’t had a cigarette in over 5 years, I dip occasionally and I chew nicotine gum constantly.
That's nothing, I've quit thousands of times. In fact, I'll quit again tonight before I go to bed.
I cannot believe for one second that your a smoker. In fact I figured you would be the guy to totally rag on anyone that smokes
I chew 14 pieces a day of nicotine gum. I went from being addicted to cigarettes, to being addicted to nicotine gum. I just bought a 160 piece 4mg box not 5 minutes ago from Ebay.
I'm chewing a piece right now as a matter of fact. Nicotine is a nightmare.
Yep Ebay is where I buy my gum, I get the original 2MG from the UK, cheapest out there and it’s good I don’t like the flavored gum. BTW you can get a prescription through insurance for the gum, i get it free from CVS but prefer the taste of the gum I get online. I have been addicted to the Nicorette gum since 2001.
I’ve never heard about the Tylenol, but there is no way around it you just got to man up and do it. IF you want to
C'mon guys...grow a pair!! When I wrote that I smoked 3 packs...SIXTY nails a DAY, I meant it, sometimes more! Growing up in New England those cold winter days would sometimes find the cigarette stuck to my lips and often times I ended up with the hot between my fingers. Right? Yeah, I remember, and so do you guys. I can see Paul smiling, because I know this has happened to him about a million times.
I remember vividly how when out drinking, or right after a meal how good those things seemed to taste. I also remember how badly my clothes and hair smelled, my apartment and all that goes with that crap.
So, do your self an E-N-O-R-M-O-U-S favor, go through the dregs of withdrawal and save the money you would have otherwise spent on those damn things. Fair will really, really taste better, so be prepared for a possible increase in weight.
Oh yeah, Google what smoke does to your lungs. You may think there's no impact, but long term it's gonna bite your a$$ as you age. You are simply addicted to the nicotine...if I can beat it cold turkey, so can you. I PROMISE you, if the day comes and you hear the doctor tell you..."Mr Smith, I'm sorry to tell you, you have stage 4 cancer", you have 6 months". Ponder that!!!
I live in a retirement community, I've seen and heard of too many friends and acquaintances who went to the doc with this pain or that, only to find some very nasty crap directly related to smoking. I just past 75 last Friday. I'd bet you my house, that if I hadn't quit, I wouldn't be here, you name the brand, and I've smoked it...many are no longer in production.
Screw the patch, and the gum, that's just a placebo. In the words of Kevin Millar..."time to cowboy up". Take charge of tomorrow today!!!
Paul...from one New Englander to another...get off the effen gum!! DO THIS !!!
Awesome post AL! And you are correct I have definitely had a Marlboro stuck to my lips on a cold day almost so much that it tore a bit of skin off lol
Since high school a hundred years ago. Never once tried to quit; I enjoy it too much.
I have to say this because I care. Anybody that smokes is beyond STUPID! You are paying HUGE $$$$ to kill yourself!
Cigarettes are better known as "cancer sticks"
So you're saying that if I just quit smoking I'll live forever? That sounds awesome, but I don't believe you. Personally, I think I'm going to die no matter what I do, and if I'm not enjoying whatever time I have left, what exactly is the point of extending that time? Also, the years that many smokers miss, the ones spent losing their memory and the ability to make it to the bathroom on time, taking a gazillion pills and living in constant discomfort? You are welcome to them; I'd give you mine if I could.
This doesn't even deserve an answer. Carry on!
I’m the first person to attack Dallas for being obtuse however there is some truth to what he is saying, I have a lot of friends who do tobacco, drink, do drugs and eat what they want and say the exact same thing. My father is 69 years old and has been smoking since he was 9 years old, and when I tell you he is never sick I truly mean it. Ofcourse there is a lot of merit to living a healthy lifestyle but there are no promises in life and everyone has their own personal clock. I agree with the pros of not smoking absolutely but I respect a person who chooses to live their own life on their own terms.
Of course he has the right...…..BUT it is being really stupid! It is a known fact that smoking causes lung cancer among other things that lead to a horrible death. I just don't see how smoking can be worth that.
Without doing a dissertation, up until "modern times" it never used to be that way. Basically unless it was death from disease or war, elderly people from centuries past were vibrant and their minds sharp at a ripe old age, up until say their kidneys wore out and they finally dropped dead.
The elderly back then were known as wise folks, dispensing sound advice and guidance to those younger. Now, the elderly are mostly blabbering idiots, very sorry to say. The cause of this, for the most part, is the advent of commercially processed food and other factors such as smoking, etc.
The bottom line is that living to a ripe old age, and still enjoying life at a ripe old age, can be easily attained thru proper diet and lifestyle.
Yes, we're all going to die one day, that is a fact. So nobody should fear that which is inevitable. But nobody should want to experience a long, painful, lingering death while not even remembering how many toes you have. Because that's exactly what poor diet and poor lifestyle choices does to you...and that is also a fact.
@stevek you have dropped that word “Dissertation” a few times over the years and I for one would love to hear some of them. True story 🍻
The phrase "so you're saying" has a current meaning - you can Google it, or read Scott Adams twitter history if you're interested - and it amuses me to use it. No reason it should amuse you, but I'm here to amuse myself, not you.
AKA "Coffin Nails" as well.
<<< if I'm not enjoying whatever time I have left >>>
Point understood. But is smoking cigarettes really "enjoyable" in the full sense of the word when thinking it thru? Not in my viewpoint.
Another thing to consider is smoking lowers the immune system. Catching cold or flu a number of times throughout the year could be attributable to tobacco use. Perhaps a stronger immune system would have fought off the virus and prevented it from successfully invading the body. Any enjoyment derived from smoking in my view, certainly is diminished taking this into consideration because i really hate getting colds and especially the flu.
No sense going into other negative details about smoking because we all likely know them. All of that taken into consideration sure doesn't seem like enjoyment to me. And don't forget the expense involved. Cigarettes many years ago used to be relatively cheap, but I recently noticed in a store the price of them, and doing some quick math, the money someone spends each year on a nicotine habit, could instead sure buy some nice baseball cards.
I'd rather have the cards.
What is one benefit in smoking? I cant think of any.
People who never smoked or chewed tobacco can never understand the enjoyment of it. I haven’t had a cigarette in over 5 years and I can tell you I would be able to enjoy a pack right this second. It’s a close second or third to Sex and Food
Amen. I think the biggest drawback to smoking is listening to preachy non-smokers pontificate on a subject about which they know next to nothing. Much like listening to 1970s talk about baseball.
Just wanted to let you know that my views on smoking is NOT an uninformed view at all. Years ago back in the 60's I smoked while I was in the Army because it was the cool thing to do. Not only did it taste like crap, but I realized how STUPID it was to do this to my body.
But hey, if you want to keep it up and shorten your life and spend big bucks in the process.....go right ahead!
It puts a HUGE grin on my face every time they raise the price on the Cancer Sticks! I wish they were $100 a pack!
The price of cigarettes has hardly changed in my lifetime. What "they" raise are the taxes on cigarettes, and, note to self, never discuss anything but sports with someone who cheers tax increases; life is too short. (See what I did there?)
BTW, if you know a heavy drinker, that person is spending multiples more money than I am, and shortening his life more than I am (actuarially speaking). I wonder, do you cheer tax increases on alcohol, and wish for $100 six-packs? Or does your principle apply only when someone else's ox is being gored?
DA you are THE KING of SPIN! Have a good one.