Why would you want to waste money having coins like that graded? Use the features available on this site to learn more about coin collecting, grading, etc, before spending any money.
Once again, the coins are mainly circulated and not worth grading... the first is not a coin. As in my reply to your previous post... Buy a grading book, take a seminar... and also focus the pictures better. Good luck, Cheers, RickO
Some au’s and Uncs. All common dates. Save your money. I would take some more in focus pictures for your next post.
The first two is a token that is put in the Mint sets. It is NOT a coin.
He re posted some coins already. Troll much?
Your alt?
😭🤣🤣 There isn’t a comeback to that 🤣🤣
Pedro....Pedro.... is that you Pedro?
Why would you want to waste money having coins like that graded? Use the features available on this site to learn more about coin collecting, grading, etc, before spending any money.
Once again, the coins are mainly circulated and not worth grading... the first is not a coin. As in my reply to your previous post... Buy a grading book, take a seminar... and also focus the pictures better. Good luck, Cheers, RickO