Most Valuable Nickels of All Time

Hi Guys,
I’m new to the forum. I recently compiled a list of the 15 most valuable nickels of all time based on realized auction prices and known private sales. I thought some of you might enjoy it.
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Any feedback is much appreciated.
After watching this video, I'm off to check my 1935 PCGS MS 63 for DDR. When I had my '35 slabbed a few years ago, I was unaware of the existence of this variety. Hey, stranger things have happened.
Of all the nickels, the 1916/16 is the most interesting to me. Such a dramatic error.Surprising that it took 49 years after minting to discover it. I once nic-a-dated a hoard of about 700 dateless Buffalo Nickels hoping to find one of these.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Interesting video, thanks for sharing !!!
I couldn't even make it to the five minute mark.
"E Plubrius Unum"
"In 2007, one of these sold for a hundred and four thousand dollars six hundred and fifty dollars"
Yeah, I'm not gonna smash that like button.
Thanks for stopping by to advertise your YouTube channel.
Interesting video, thanks!
@currencyworld....Welcome aboard.... Cheers, RickO