Cost cutting
If you're on a budget like me, then you constantly have to find ways to cut back the cost of living expenses in order to have more money to spend on cards. Here are a few tips on how to save money.
- Wife dear, you look fine without makeup. I love the natural look.(Make up costs money.)
2.Got a headache? Tough it out! ( Aspirin costs money.)
3.Need a new pair of shoes? Spray paint a couple of pairs of socks black, they'll look like shoes. The other people in Wal Mart will never notice.( New shoes costs money.)
In reference to number 3, borrow a neighbors spray paint.( Spray paint costs money.)
Batteries in the TV remote finally die? Walk to the TV and change the channel manually, exercise is good for us. (Batteries cost money.)
6.Drink more tap water. (Soda costs money.)
7.No, I would NOT like fries with that! (Fries cost money.)
8.The family dogs need to contribute to this effort, therefore dog biscuits have to go. They can get by on Alpo and water. (Dog biscuits cost money.)
9.Use candles at night. (Lights cost money. Yes, candles cost money, but lights cost more.)
10.Ham sandwhiches taste great without ham. (Ham costs money.)
11.Air conditioning is overrated. Instead leave the freezer door on the fridge open for a while. (Air conditioning costs money.)
12.Grow a beard. ( Shaving cream and razors both cost money.)
13.Soap is overrated. ( Just kidding.)
14.Lunch is overrated.
If you want to contribute to the list, I can use all the help I can get.
1994 Pro Line Live
Bike to work. I bike ~50x per year, 15 miles round trip. 750 miles/ 18mpg x $3.25 gallon = $135 saved
Although sometimes on the really nice days I stop for a beer at the brewery on the way home which doesn't help the cause.
PC Walter Payton - Bear Down!
Grow your own - I'm harvesting lots of fruits and veggies throughout the year. Thinking about getting some hens soon.
We're going to plant some fruit trees in our yard soon. Drip lines are in. Just need some trees and some holes.
My 1971 Topps adventure - Davis Men in Black
Living minimalist is actually very easy. I started doing so in my early 20's. I ditched the TV. Ditched the car. Eliminated all the excess like cd's, dvd's, etc. Eat the same very inexpensive healthy breakfast and lunch everyday. I have only a few monthly bills which allows me to save much of what I earn.
In return I have travelled extensively the last 20 years as well as lived in many other countries. When I travel I generally just backpack and stay in hostels.
My only vice with excess seems to be these stupid addicting sports cards!
I don't know why they call this stuff "Hamburger Helper" does just fine by itself.
Collect cans in no deposit states and drive them in a van to Michigan for the $.10 deposit.
PC Walter Payton - Bear Down!
Enter Bank of America and hand a teller a note.
"Borrow" the neighbors electricity and cable. Tap into their water to keep your yard green when they are gone at work....or keep your pool filled, if you have one. Which doesn't help the situation at all to begin with.
"Simplify, simplify, simplify."
The old Michigan deposit bottle scam. Save even more by using a half full mail truck that seems to occur before every Mother's Day, the mother of all holidays!
It is actually illegal and someone was charged recently trying to bring bottles in for deposit.
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
Wear your socks and underwear for a couple days, turn them inside out and wear them a couple more days (laundry detergent costs money, running the washer and dryer costs money). 😝
EagleEyeKid has adopted an avatar especially suited for this thread.
This was totally unhelpful, and so I removed it. Todd Tobias
I miss having milk with my cereal.
Buy cards on ebay and just tell paypal you never got them. Free cards!
With Cocoa Pebbles, the milk would always turn to chocolate milk because the chocolate from the Pebbles would seep into the milk, giving you an added bonus of chocolate milk. Milk has to go. Joe Louis comes first.
Helllllllo, Newman.
Wrestling - Danielson - Storm - Tajiri
Based on the theme in the original post:
Drive around town delivering your bills, packages, birthday cards, etc. Postage stamps cost money.
Greatest meme of all time
Who is Todd Tobias??
Forum moderator and all around good guy.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Just get a bowl, fill it with water and hydraulic oil stir briskly.... Now you have homemade milk. Since you eat Cocoa pebbles, I can't see the hydraulic oil hurting you any worse.
1994 Pro Line Live
Cocoa pebbles cheesecake tacos. Absolutely delicious.
Oh, seeing those Cocoa Pebbles cheesecake tacos are making my mouth water.
Post cereal products= a legend.
Another way to cut costs is to communicate with relatives and friends using smoke signals. Phone bills cut into my Joe Louis card funds.
I want to give a shout-out to erikthredd for telling me about some places to look for Joe Louis cards. I really appreciate it.
Cutout the cocoa pebbles cheesecake tacos. Diabetes costs money.
My 1971 Topps adventure - Davis Men in Black