My first coin book

I'm pretty sure that this little book was purchased in the grocery store check out line. The first few pages are basically an advertisement to sell your valuable coins to Stacks. I was 8 at the time and coins were my first real collection...then stamps...then motel bar cards...matchbox back to coins...
I like Norman Stack's simple grading system in the book: G or F, VG or VF, or in some cases F or XF...after listening to JA's podcast I think I'm going back that way myself: a coin is either XF or AU or BU...
Nice old book of values.... Now how many coin books in your library?? Cheers, RickO
Cool look at past prices! Gosh, an 1877 IHC for $110 in F12... such a deal!! In 1966 when I was but 6 years old, it could just as well have been 110 thousand dollars! ! lol!!
Successful BST transactions with: SilverEagles92; Ahrensdad; Smitty; GregHansen; Lablade; Mercury10c; copperflopper; whatsup; KISHU1; scrapman1077, crispy, canadanz, smallchange, robkool, Mission16, ranshdow, ibzman350, Fallguy, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, jwitten, Walkerguy21D, dsessom.
RickO -- there is one autographed copy of Doug Winter's recent book on New Orleans gold...
Coincidentally I received this one in the mailbox today...valued at $30 in the 1966 pocket book...
an 1877 indian head cent for $110.00 in fine condition, way cool
Those were the days !!!
@jonruns....Thanks for the reply... and based on that, I would say you need some more coin books....Redbook, CPG for example... Cheers, RickO
I have, literally, thousands.
The reason?
Easy, if I get interested in a series, say Bust half $, I buy every book ever printed on the subject.
research, research and more ...
BHNC #203
Yep... Whenever something piques my curiosity, I quickly research books on the subject and acquire one or two of which I determine to be the best sources. My library is vast.... though coin books are just a part....Cheers, RickO
My first coin book was 1964 Handbook of United States Coins - Blue book. Price of book was $1.75.
I remember getting the book. I was 8 years old at the time, my father would go to the local department store every week, I would tag along and this book caught my interest as I was collecting coins for albums out of circulation, and wanted to know what prices dealers would pay - Bluebook rather than the Redbook. After a couple of weeks my dad bought the book for me which I still have, including a written list of coins that I found in circulation.
In 1964 dealers would pay $1.25 for a "good" capped bust half dollar, and $4.00 for a "V. Fine" which was the highest grade listed. For the draped bust which I have collected the last 25 years, $37.50 for a V Fine, and a 1795 FH half dollar the wholesale price was $200 in VF.
Some bad info in the book which destroyed the value of many coins "Modern silver coins can often be cleaned with a paste consisting of baking soda and water without harming the coin."
Fifty five years later I have hundreds of books - I need more space!