Error coins

I hate asking questions here about errors due to all the trolls posting there "parking lot errors" but.... recently I was going through the office and found an envelope with these three coins in it I've looked at them and cant figure out if they are truly errors or not. I swear I really did try to research and figured these out. Most errors I'm ok with figuring out how they happened and if there real but these I'm not sure . The first one is a cent. I'm trying to figure out of it is missing its copper plating or if it has been dipped in something to make it come off after the mint.
The second is the same question only it's a different date!
The third is a quarter. I'm pretty sure this is just pmd. I figured I would post it just incase. A fellow dealer said maybe a die adjustment but I'm not thinking so, but I've been wrong before. Thanks for any help
^^ +1 The 1c zinc’s do not fair well
Are you saying the cents are pmd? Just curious if you meant all 3 or just the quarter. Something in my gut told me none of them were good
All 3 are PMD
The "dealer" who told you the quarter was a die adjustment strike might want to consider another line of work.
It is too well struck up in most areas and is just ground down at the high points.
The cents are just beat up junk. No need to scrutinize ugly zinc. It never turns out well.
He didnt really TELL me it was a die adjustment just a suggestion one night while playing poker. I had a feeling none were good but figured i would post just to ask
I agree with the PMD on all three....zincolns degenerate so quickly, especially when exposed to unfriendly environments. The quarter has been abraded in some manner... Cheers, RickO
Quarter is damaged,
and the cents have all
been de-plated.
Thank you!
they sure did a nice job with a belt sander on that quarter, just saying
I agree...all 3 are PMD.
I was thinking that the quarter was put in a hydraulic press.
Could be a pocket piece altered to come up tails on coin flips.
I could see that happening
I also think they are PMDs so go release them