Is this a lamination error? Thoughts?

in Q & A Forum
I bought a lot of 1930-39 pennies and this one was in the mix. I’m having trouble because I’m a newbie deciding if this is a lamination error or just environmental damage. I’ve done some research but have yet to find anything helpful. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
Best Answer
JBK Posts: 15,876 ✭✭✭✭✭
Generally, a lamination error that has detached will be a void in the coin's surface (unless it has peeled back, in which case part of it will be above the surface).
Your cent clearly has dried goo of some kind above the surface of the coin. But there are lots of laminations on cents and nickels from that general era so keep looking.
No, a substance on your coin - Glue?
There is definitely a ridge there and I also wonder if this was made to imitate a lamination error. I may try to clean it with soap and water mixture....
Try acetone. The copper color around "IN" on the rim is where some of that substance (that protected the copper from turning brown) fell off.
Thank you!
Poor Abe. Instead of pie in the face, he got glued.
Welcome @JaNigro to the CU forums.
Too funny! Thank you!