1750 Pillar Dollar Thoughts

I do not have possession of this coin to weigh, etc. What are your thoughts on the look regarding authentic or not. It may be fine but looked off at first glance. Perhaps due to a past cleaning? Wondering what the experts think?
I am leaning towards genuine, abused, but it is no sure thing.
Polished to death, unfortunately....even it's ''reale", it may not be worth much in that state.
To add - it looks like they got their money's worth out of that holder, too.
I'm leaning toward counterfeit. The shape of the hemispheres varies by date; by this I mean multiple differences exist in the series. Never seen one looking remotely like this one. If it is damage, it is certainly concentrated in this area.
Either a counterfeit, or a severely polished original. Can you post the edge?
8 Reales Madness Collection
I'm leaning toward cast. Can you weigh it? Does it pass the ring test?
Hard pass
Latin American Collection
Oh yeah, definitely - don't waste your money either way.
8 Reales Madness Collection
It looks like they removed it from it's 2x2 to shine it up a little then put back into the same one before taking the glamour shot.
I vote C/F by the image. The edge will be the kicker and we cannot see it.
BTW, the counterfeits of these coins have not been made by casting FOR DECADES!
looks polished to me. not my series so ill stay away from it
Save your money for a nice coin - and avoid any that resemble this. (Presumably the number "750" refers to the quantity you can buy for $1.)