I have a 1980D and a 1981 penny. Neither of them have the VDB. I have a hard time seeing the VDB even under my USB microscope on most pennies. But on these two, the initials are truly not there, not even a hint. It's weird because these two stood out in a bankroll of pennies because they were shiny and pretty in an otherwise dull looking batch. It surprised me to find that they were the only two with no VDB.
I have read that a lot of 1989 pennies are missing this, but I have seen nothing about 1980D or 1981. Has anyone run into this before? Thanks
Without seeing a good clear close-up of that area,
I'd guess that it's probably due to polished dies in
the shoulder area.
Only shadows with the posted pics.
Do these help?

Sorry! I just now posted close-ups of each one.
I can see "remnants" of the initials.
On Both? I wonder why I can't see them. Thanks!
Yes... on close examination, there does appear to be faint outlines of the initials...Cheers, RickO
Remnants - die polishing is the cause
The VDB is shallow and die polishing and die wear will eventually cause it to disappear. It's not an error and adds no value to the coin.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire