Football Card Question

Hi, new here but I’ve been an avid collector for 30 years. Recently, I came into some really interesting football sets. I have no idea how to appraise them and was hoping someone could give me some insight on the value of these sets. They are mainly Pro Set but what is unique is that they were an actual NFL Owners sets! There are about 8 sets/binders all together but I only posted 1 picture to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
A few more pictures

Well now you will have to name your source?
Cool cards, I have no idea of value. Welcome to the message boards! I hope you have as much fun here as we do.
Thanks doubledragon! Happy to be here
Among the relatively small group of Pro Set collectors, those are actually highly-desired. I don't know exact pricing, but some of the individual cards can see for several hundred dollars each. I'm not of much more help beyond that, but certainly do some homework before anyone convinces you to dump them because they're "just Pro Set."
My first thought was exactly that “They are just Pro Set” . That would be a nice score if some of them catch a few hundred
There's some good information on them here:
To the OP, I have been collecting pro set cards since I was a kid 30 years ago. The items you have are very unique and I would love to share my knowledge and hopefully gain some from a person that has the binders. I can be reached at
As another person wrote the community of pro set collectors is a small one, but the interest within the group is still very large. The link previous (I know the blogger) is a very good one for a general overview of all things pro set. He has blogs for 1989, 1990, and even pro sets non-sport educational set (club pro set)