PSA Cert Verification - Needs Actual Picture of Card

PSA should include a picture of the actual card for the cert#. That way even if they counterfeit the card, the buyer can compare the card for sale vs. the actual picture on the Cert Verification site.
This would be a great addition! It is fairly common on the coin side (PCGS). PCGS has an extra service many of you may know called True View. It is an additional $10 at any service level or is included at their gold shield submission level. I think it is a great idea for the added security, but PSA needs to see the demand to warranty the expense in equipment and personnel. Would not want graders imaging, right.
Here is a link to a coin in my registry with the coin imaged on the cert verification page.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
I would rather have them add to the grading fee and require it for all cards than offer it as an option. Provides a lot more value to the cert and more protection than any other anti counterfeiting measures possibly could. Could be part of the fee of a re-holder as well.
I saw something in their instagram story recently that leads me to believe that they're working on this for cards. Very exciting if true.
Currently Collecting:
Check it out. This is my submission. Just received today.
Dusk storage on the cloud is cheap. High res scanners that can scan quickly are also available. For a reasonable, non-gouging added fee per card this would be well worth it.