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Moonlight mint after hours collection

jabbajabba Posts: 3,176 ✭✭✭✭✭

Special thanks to Lakesammman who ive poked and prodded over the years for a set of dies to the Oregon Numismatic Society 10th anniversary token. I’m glad he never gave in or we would not have these beavers to enjoy. We have a shared love for tokens of the northwesters.
It all started for me in 2008 cruising the HA token auction and Fell for a token and didn’t win 😢 It took me 8 years to track another one down! Here is that Token

After that I found out Lakesammman had the original dies to this coin and had worked with Dan Carr to produce other examples. Now out of all those the one I like best the gold $10 over strike you may have seen the post about that trip to Moonlight mint.
You can see the coin under the beaver peeking out so cooool!

A very close second was done on the same trip using another die to make a mule.

Here are other I enjoy just as much and cherished part of my vast growing beaver collection

I hope some day to own the FA2 graded example of the Oregon exchange company $5 gold beaver that was sold on HA a few years ago.


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