My Monster Toned Jefferson Nickel

Here is a couple photos of the most brightly toned coin in my collection. I've had this 1964 Proof Jefferson for over 20 years now. It was stored in the small Manila coin envelope it was in when I bought from the dealer, until I found it again stashed in my hall closet storage bin. It did NOT look like this when I bought it and must have toned over the years of sitting undisturbed. Imagine my surprise (and delight) when I pulled it out and saw these spectacular colors Blue, Gold and Magenta. I sent it off to PCGS for grading and they gave it a Pf67 grade.
Now I'm torn. I love the way the coin looks, BUT I also know that monster toners like this can go for some serious dough, that I could use to buy MORE COINS. So I'm asking the forum, what do you all think.
Should I keep it or sell it?
Would you value your nickel at somewhere between $300.00 and $500.00 or even more?
I> @abcde12345 said:
PCGS says a Pr67 1964 Jeff is worth only $10. Now I KNOW that's not right given the market for nicely toned coins.
Did you read “Eye Appeal “ in this quarters RCMR? I say sell it and price it high you can always come down. Unless you are emotionally attached to it then you have a problem.
BST transactions - mach1ne - Ronyahski - pitboss (x2) - Bigbuck1975 (x2) - jimineez1 - nk1nk - bidask - WaterSport - logger7 - SurfinxHI (x2) - Smittys - Bennybravo - Proofcollector
I think I could part with it Jim.
How high ($$$) is high enough?
It's actually even more beautiful in hand, my camera skills are not very good at all.
The coin actually has a rotated die on the Reverse side too, not sure if that makes any difference or not.
Where's the best place to list it?
I have quite a few toners including Jefferson proofs. Depending on the actual degree of "monstrosity" I would think you might ask $150-$250 realistically. And you really need a Trueview or much better photos!
Good luck!
Kind regards,
Looking back (hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20) I really wish I had sprung for the Trueview photos. Brilliant Proof coins are hard enough to photograph as it is and being slabbed only gives the camera one more thing to reflect off of, live and learn as they say.
There's a guy online, his name currently eludes me who does "Glamour shots" for around $10 or so.
Anybody have his name/web address?
There are several, you might be thinking of Todd Pollock
Recently someone was asking about a coin photographer, here is the discussion.
Unless your photo is especially bad your coin is nice but not close to a monster. It wasn’t worth getting slabbed and it isn’t worth getting professional images. I’m sorry to say I think $25 is about what you can expect. Maybe $50 if it looks much better than the image.
In case it helps:
1) I generally dislike when people dismiss the potential value of others’ coins but I am trying to be helpful to keep your expectations reasonable (and especially to prevent you from spending more money on this one).
2) I collect toned coins and have several toned proof nickels.
You need a special buyer to pay big bucks for late 50's, early 60's proof Jefferson nickels. Occasionally some have multi-colored toning from the proof set mylar. Offer it for sale at some high price, and if it sells then you can buy another. Otherwise it will just stay in your collection.
I've lived and breathed wonderfully toned coins for decades and I have to be honest with you that nothing in your images indicates an exceptional coin.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
And this coin is "wonderfully toned " is it???
But my coin is nothing special.
Your 64 Jeffy is nice looking but not a monster ... i would value that around $50 to maybe $70 tops if you get lucky.
This is my 1964 with higher end toning ...

My Coin Blog
My Toned Lincoln Registry Set
Okay NOT a monster, maybe an "Ogre" LOL
My coin has just as much coloration as your coin does, my camera just doesn't pick it up because of the glare/reflection/poor photography skills on my part.
How much would you say your coin is worth?
These proof Jeffersons can be very colorful, especially the years 1961-64 in particular.
I paid less than $50 for each of these.

- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
For your reference (since I have no idea how your coin really looks), these are two 1960s PR67 Jeffs I just sold in the $150/each range. The coins in hand closely match the Trueviews.
Kind regards,
i would guess maybe $100 to $125 tops if I am lucky. It's not for sale by the way. It's part of my Proof Jeffy set.
My Coin Blog
My Toned Lincoln Registry Set