Found a strange 1852 D US dollar at a local fleamarket in Portugal.

I'm Belgian and live in Portugal, my english is not so good but doing my best.
Last week went to a local fleamarket in the Algarve and saw a small sparkling coin all alone in an ashtray with other cheap thinks in it. Could not see it very good, because it is so small, but could read 1 Dollar. So I asked the Portuguese guy how much for the coin and he asked 1 euro for it, so i bought it. Came home and searched it on the internet and found out that it is a very rare gold coin.
But i saw something strange above the head of Liberty, a faint letter D and some strange featherlike things coming from the hair.
Can somebody tell me what i have found.
Friendly greetings.
I assume the coin is fake but someone else here will know. If it is made of gold it was a huge bargain. Even if it is not, 1 euro is still a great price for a reference piece.
Welcome to the forum
The D you are seeing is because of a die clash, the D is transfer of the mint mark on the reverse.
Yours looks to be a replica/counterfeit. Sorry
It is faked as the details are correct. It looks die struck but the dies are cast or scanned junk. The details esp the head & stars would be sharper, the eye more pronounced. The hair would have more lines and so on. Now the hair can look like that with wear but then the wreath and rims would be worn also. Worth about theb1 euro you paid.
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
If it is fake, hope it is still gold, not magnetic.
Do not have a good scale to weigh it.
Thx already for the info
@Morphion Welcome to the forums!
If it sounds/looks too good to be true...!
From HA
@Morphion .... Welcome aboard. I lived and worked in Portugal for two years.. great people and a very nice country. Too bad about the coin.... have it tested to see if it is real gold... Cheers, RickO
Welcome back Wabbit... Oops meant welcome @Morphion
Can we really tell from a blurry photo?
Was Wabbit really Pedro or was Pedro really Wabbit?
Not really my series, but I'm not so sure from that photo.
One big red flag would be the 1 in the date.
Unfortunately it's fake, possibly gold though...
My YouTube Channel
US gold dollars were popular for use in jewelry in England and the continent during the letter 19th century. European jewelry supply companies made replicas, but the real thing was so cheap - $1 plus markup - that replica were used only in the lowest quality products. From about 1874-1887, virtually all US gold dollar production went to Europe for jewelry use.
See the article "Gold Dollars Used for Jewelry," in Journal of Numismatic Research (JNR) Issue 4, Autumn 2013.
Necklaces, bracelets, cufflinks, rings, pendants and a multitude of other items of personal adornment became the final resting places of thousands of tiny gold dollars. Coin collectors were the only refuge for these forgotten gold pieces.

Here is link to a couple picks and values for authentic coin in PCGS slabs
Morphion, Did you ever have your 1852-D DAHLONEGA ONE DOLLAR coin tested???, do you still have it???
I’m asking because I have one, it looks just like yours, die-clash D on the obverse above Lady Liberty’s head, and die-crack on the reverse at six o’clock running up the D mint mark passing under the 5 in 1952, passing under the second L in DOLLAR, on mine the die-crack ends at the base of the big number 1.