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Platinum Universaros. 1972 and 1973. Lots of questions? Different but test authentic.

Hello All,
I'm new to this forum and this is a repost of my first message on March 10th. I am totally impressed with the knowledge base here and hope to learn a great deal and give some, too.
The Universaro saga is interesting for me as I like unique coins. I have one 1972 and one 1973 Platinum Universaros.

1972 Platinum Universaro
Round is stamped with .999 fine platinum and is not reeded (or only slightly reeded). It is hard to imagine Robert Graybar would produce a platinum piece that was not authentic. The person I bought it from says his wife was a hippie back in the day and could have crossed paths with him or his friends.

1972: Diameter: 38.28mm
Color: Dull Grey
Weight: 30.5884 gms
Smooth edge or very slight reeding upon inspection.
Planchet thickness: (N,E,S,W) 2.72mm, 2.67mm, 2.58mm, 2.62mm

It was first scanned in July 2014 by a coin shop in AZ.
Pt. = 98.92 %
Se = 0.50
Ni = 0.58
A second scan was conducted on the same coin April, 2018 also in AZ. (bench XRF machines)
Pt. = 99.98 %
Au = -0.67
Ni = 0.59
Cu = -0.07
Zn = 0.04
Ag = 0.17
Pd = -0.04

1973: Diameter: 39.08mm
Color: shinny- silver-like
Weight: 31.006 gms
Reeded edge
Planchet thickness: 1.13mm

It was first scanned in July 2014 by a coin shop in AZ.
Pt. = 99.25 %
Cu = 0.50
Ni = 0.26
A second scan was conducted on the same coin April, 2018 also in AZ. (bench XRF machines)
Pt. = 100.30 %
Au = -0.56
Ni = 0.26
Cu = -0.07
Zn = -0.02
Ag = -0.02
Pd = 0.10

Some Pictures: I have lots of questions.
Hope this helps.



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