My New Coin Template - Feedback Requested

I love TrueViews and have a growing number of them but I've also been interested in expressing some of my own personal tastes.
Here's what I've come up with so far. I like a dark background but wanted something more than a simple black. I thought about it for a while and settled on carbon fiber as it's something I like, it's on my car, my phone case and bike frame. Also, I paste in a cert verification link a lot when posting TrueViews so I figured why not simply embed a URL via a QR code to scan and go with a phone. I've scanned the QR code on this page and it works.
Overall, I'm liking it because it's dark, modern and functional.
Let me know what you think:
Here's the original for comparison:
I like the idea of a black gradient, but think there may be better options than the carbon fiber. However, the QR code is a complete non-starter for me.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I like the black better. There was a renewal of an older post by PCGS called PCGSPhoto that was edited today by PCGS.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Nice job Zoins.
I like it but some may find it distracting perhaps.
I really like it, except for the QR code. Big turnoff. Everything else looks clean.
Always buying nice toned coins! Searching for a low grade 1873 Arrows DDO Dime and 1842-O Small Date Quarter.
I find the TruView to be more attractive... Now, that could be just because I am so accustomed to them.... Cheers, RickO
I would definitely lose the QR Code.
If I'm looking at this on my computer, am I supposed to pull out my phone and take a picture of that? That doesn't make sense.
And if I'm already on my phone looking, how my supposed to take a picture of my own computer screen to use that QR Code?
I don't think I have actually seen anyone even use QR codes.
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
Having fun with your coins is what its all about. Go with what you like the most!
Thanks for the feedback so far.
For the carbon fiber, I might experiment with having it more visible on the outside rather than the center that way it's more black between the two photos of the coin. Not sure how that will look but I'm curious.
I'm still experimenting with the QR Code. I'll probably put them in a bunch and then see how useful it is. As @illini420 mentioned, it is somewhat strange because you need to use a combination of phone and computer to make it work. That being said, I have to open two browser tabs to read off numbers from one and type it into another so often, that even using a phone half the time would help. As for QR code popularity in general, while they are not used much in the US, but they are used all over the place in other countries. In China restaurants, the menu and ordering is all on your phone and paying is simply snapping the QR code on your table. There is still interaction and service with the staff to ask about the menu and food but the routine part of passing out menus and paying is gone.
One benefit of the QR code for this example is that I never remember the Fuld numbers for Civil War Tokens. I call the one here the "Money Makes the Mare Go Bridgens store card" but it's cataloged as "F-630J-4a" which is how I look it up in the pop reports. With the QR Code, I can just pull up the photo on my computer, snap it with my phone and I know the Fuld number and have links to the pop report, CoinFacts, registry sets, historical prices, etc.
I like the black background as for me it accentuates more of the coin's details. But I would rather not have the QR code on the front of the slab........but maybe the reverse side.
Maybe put the QR code in the lower left corner and the traditional info in the traditional place. The carbon fiber is OK if the weave was smaller. The large weave looks too big. Smaller would be a softer less distracting and more natural look.
I don't know....I kind of like a white background for dark coins, and a black background for silver/light coins. The contrast makes the background "disappear", while dark on dark makes me search for the transition between them.
I like the carbon fiber background and the photo of the coin is excellent. The QR code completely diverts attention away from the coin, which defeats the entire purpose. But, as others have said, do what you like.
I too dislike the QR. I do like a dark background. I feel the coin "pops" better.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Keep the feedback coming. It's all good
For what it's worth, I agree the QR code doesn't really fit aesthetically, but think it's too awesome functionally. I'll see if there's a way to tone it down so to speak.
Has anyone tried out using the QR code?
Yeah, it works fine. My cell phone captured it from my monitor...... but it's plenty easy to type the cert number in too. Certainly the bit of extra convenience doesn't even come close mitigating the eyesore. It comes off looking like cheap consumer goods like a box of cereal or bag of paper towels.
Glad to know it works. The issue of ease of use with typing the number is a matter of opinion. If you just do it once here and there, it's not a big deal, but I've read off and typed the number a bazillion times and I'm tired of it
Wonder if you can slip the QR code into one of the corners? Could be room if you shrink it by 10% or so....
Good idea on putting the QR code in the corner @Kudbegud and @TommyType. Here's another one with the QR code a bit smaller, in the right corner and using a gray background instead of white. Capturing the QR code seems to work pretty easily too.
Might the QR code fit within the confines of the PCGS shield?
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Perhaps, but the shield is part of the PCGS logo and it may be odd to modify the PCGS logo that way?
Well, since you are essentially dismantling a PCGS TrueView image and building it to how you like it, I wouldn't think modifying the logo would be a deal breaker.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Technically, I'm not dismantling the one with the logo and background, I'm building a new one from the transparent background image they provide. Not sure it makes a difference here, but it's worth being clear.
Logo modification is normally a deal breaker for many company legal departments since the logos are often registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office and need to be protected.
Could be my monitor.....But I can't read the QR code on the new one. The first one read before I even pointed directly at it(!), several times. The new one won't read no matter how hard I try.
Good feedback @TommyType. Maybe it's too dark or small. I can read it fine on my screen, but I'll make a few variations, lighter and larger to try.
Carbon fiber makes me think of sports cars I can’t afford and/or unpainted aftermarket 2002 Honda Civic hoods. I like plain ol black background.
Try out the QR codes on the upper and lower left here. They are different sizes, but both white. Once we know what size works, I can adjust the background color.
I decided to give plain black a try last night after all the feedback and found it surprisingly classy.
I tried it out on the Napoleon medal first because I thought it could be in a museum display.
Turns out....I couldn't read ANY of the QR codes in the photo with three codes! That is, until I enlarged the photo on my screen, when all three became readable. So, it was my monitor, or rather the size of it and/or resolution of it.
Bottom line: The choice of size, color, and placement is probably really your choice. The "reader" may have to make some arrangements for the reading, but you can't be expected to accommodate ALL of them yourself with the photo.
Sorry to send you on a wild goose chase.
No worries. That's good info and as it's important to understand what works with the monitors that are out there. Working is better than not working
Try these and let me know if any work without enlargement.
For me, (remembering that all monitors are different):
I don't see ant of the new ones with the QR in the corner. Were they deleted for changes?