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Good morning old member is back!! Aka YaHa.

SliderGuySliderGuy Posts: 27 ✭✭
edited March 21, 2019 2:56AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Wow, it's been a while since I was on the boards!!.

My goal is to continue relationships with members I have sold coins off the forum for the past few years and hopefully find a few others i wasn't able to contact once being no longer allowed here!!!!

Always had respect for Mr. Willis and Hall. $$$ make many inferior instead of superior.

Chatting with Heather, she approved my coming back as a coin collector, supporting PCGS and following forum rules..

Things are well with my health as good as it going to get, it's time to let some high-end coins go in my collection and keep my eyes open here to upgrade?.

Thanks for those who stuck by me for the past few years. This hobby is open to all different kind of coin collectors and should be respected as such!

Everyone has wisdom.
Thanks again Heather and other mods i chatted with to welcome me back.

AU55/MS62 My favorites.


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