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Getting a set of coins to where it really belongs

KindaNewishKindaNewish Posts: 827 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited March 14, 2019 9:03AM in U.S. Coin Forum

I like order. I like getting things where they belong.
One of the cooler moments I experienced here is when a bunch of you guys got together last year to get @Paradisefound that Sac dollar error. It was not only because she has proved herself to be a kind and encouraging member here, but I guess we all felt that that is where that coin belongs.
Well, in my travels on the internet a few days ago, I stumbled across this set of Jeffersons in a Whitman folder. This was signed by Felix Schlag (the dude who designed the nickel) and has set undisturbed for the last 50 years. Too cool, I thought.

I can think of only one place this set belongs.
Our friend @Aspie_Rocco should have this. He has been a great and valuable contributor here, and I think that this belongs on his shelf.
I asked the dealer to hold it for me for a few days. The dealer wants $425 for this, I'll pony up the first $25 and the shipping costs, do we have 40 members here that would like to toss in $10 each to get this set where it belongs?

1) @crazyhounddog
2) @AlexinPA
3) @Paradisefound
4) @clarkbar04
5) @ChrisH821
6) @bobsr
7) @Hemispherical
8) @DCW
9) @Smudge
10) anonymous
11) @toyz4geo
12) @koynekwest
13) @ifthevamzarockin
14) @1Mike1
15) @coastalpride85
16) @SurfinxHI
17) @Kudbegud
18) @yspsales
19) @JBK



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