Mercury dimes, how would you grade?

I set the scanner at 48 bit color and 2400 dpi as well as multi-tiff, also how do the images look?
Also a Washington 25c:
I set the scanner at 48 bit color and 2400 dpi as well as multi-tiff, also how do the images look?
Also a Washington 25c:
Just about impossible to grade from scans, looks like the 38-S could use a shave though.
Really tough to grade from scans. Here is a shot. 37P 64FB. See small hairlines on neck. 38S 64+ No Bands. Again see hairlines. 37S 65 and might be FB. Cleanest coin. Washington. No Guess.
On my screen the pictures have a Bluish Tint and are sort of washed out looking.
Too much dark shadow to grade those coins... Nice pictures, but way too dark. Cheers, RickO