1984 backwards P quarter and possible die chip

Can I please get a few opinions on this quarter I can swear the mint mark P is backwards. Thank you for any input. I am here to learn!
Can I please get a few opinions on this quarter I can swear the mint mark P is backwards. Thank you for any input. I am here to learn!
Blurry... maybe die chip.
The P is backwards on the top image and the right way on the bottom image.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
First two photos show a damaged P mintmark,
with a 'hit' right on it.
Thanks everyone! @FredWeinberg , what do you think of the little hole in the middle of Washingtons head ? Die chip ? Or just more possible PMD ? Also i'll try to post a better pic of the MM possibly for a better view, maybe through the loop in better light, just for the heck of it. Even though most of my luck usually leans toward a damaged coin lol, but how cool would that be if it was a backwards mint mark? And are there any coins that anyone knows of that do have a backwards mint mark errored by the mint? Another lesson for me for sure lol , thanks everyone...
A die chip would not be a hole, it would be raised
Definitely PMD... and the same for the 'hole in the head'....Cheers, RickO
The hole on the head is also damage - a contact mark.
And, as mentioned, it's not a backward mintmark.