1990 no s proof Lincoln penny
Posts: 60 ✭✭
Hey everyone I believe I posted wrong before sorry.Dont know if you'll see my other post with no title.Long story short been extremely busy.Picked up 2boxes of pennies this week. And I think I found a 1990no s? Appreciate any feedback thanks!
Clearly the UNC version, I get this question at least once a week in the store with the same type coin
No s is on the proof version
Business strike (P) mint. Not a proof.
The coin does not appear to be a proof, sorry.
See http://www.doubledimes.com for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
My phone
Just because it is (mostly) shiny does not mean it is proof.
Do a search for "1990 proof cent" and compare to yours.
Coin Facts
1990 No S PF
1990 MS RD
Thanks everyone yeah I own some zinc proofs.It looks identical in hand to one I saw that heritage sold the one I'm referring to does not look like a proof to me either.I don't disagree,have a habit of jumping the gun.Thanks again!
Jb coins did a video of that same coin from heritage. The coin was found coin roll hunting.videos can be deceiving, lighting and such.I stared at it too long and convinced myself there it is,haha
As is value? one cent.
on eBay? Priceless
BHNC #203
We all look for and hope for finding that 'treasure' in change.... Keep looking... they are out there.... Cheers, RickO
It can be frustrating but always rewarding regardless of the find! As I pout😀
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