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Amazing coin show finds!

Mdcoincollector2003Mdcoincollector2003 Posts: 665 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 23, 2019 6:00PM in U.S. Coin Forum

I went to a local coin show at the elks lodge and found some amazing things! First I found an almost complete library of coins Buffalo nickels and the dealer is a friend so I only paid 25$ for

Then I went through some junk bins and found a “unidentifiable 1800s large cent” but under further inspection it is a liberty cap large cent that I paid 2$ for from either 1793 or 94
I also picked up some other junk bin coins including a silver Philippines 50 centavos for 80¢ less than melt and a 1891 o dime for 1.5$ (Edited to add) I also bought a vf 1817 large cent for my 7070 for 25$ and I bought a couple other odds and ends. I also forgot to mention many of the buffalo have been nic-a-dates but there was also a ms 1919 buffalo and the only three coins missing were the 1915 S , 1918 over 17, and the 1937 D three legged.


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