Anyone familiar with Mother Nature's Showroom?

They have a lot of PCGS TrueView toners, including many top pops, and are based in Florida. I was wondering if the are related to EDM or other PCGS focused dealers in the area?
Seems to be another account for EDM. You can see the similarity between the descriptions and coins of the two accounts.
Ocoee FL is a suburb of Orlando where EDM is located. Very likely a weekly auction site as all are auctions and not BIN.
I see a lot of AT coins.
I do as well. I see some naturally toned stuff. I see some stuff that I'm not sure about. After viewing all that is offered, I'm not convinced this is EDM, though they have a few of their pieces for sale.
edited to add........ Just reviewed 13+ pages of EDM stuff. Looks the same to me.
I see a lot of overlap. And the new seller has a bunch of single examples of the same type of coins that EDM has multiples of. For example, take a look at this toned Euro coin. The titles, descriptions, and type of coins are all very similar.
This is very interesting
Here's the link for that coin. It does remind me of coins sold by EDM which is why I was wondering if they were working together. It could be, however, as mentioned above that it's a store front for EDM.
Well now... No RickO Approved sticker for those coins....
Cheers, RickO

Did those carbon spots on the 68S Lincoln develop after the coin was graded and holdered? It doesn't look like a 67 now.
TrueViews are done out of the holder. If the coin was graded and TrueViewed at the same time then the spots were on the coin when it was graded. If the coin was TrueViewed after it was slabbed, then they could have formed after slabbing and were present during the TrueView.
Since the dealer has a lot of coins, perhaps the coin was graded and TrueViewed together if it's cert number is within a large set of similarly toned coins.
This is a pop 6/5 and offered for $343.99 now.
Sold for 4x the PCGS Price Guide Value!
This is already on Cert Verification:
This site has another 159 coins listed this week as true auctions. I would estimate less than a dozen naturally toned coins mixed in with all of the doctored toners.
This is interesting. EDM is currently selling 36867065 with a very similar look. At first I thought it was the same coin posted by @Paradisefound, but it's just 4 cert numbers off with some in between that look the same.
When I looked into this more, there are 42 consecutive cert numbers for 1968-S proof cents. They are sold by MNS, EDM and GreatToning.
Previous coins by MNS:
Previous coins by GreatToning:
Putting them all together we have the following. Looks like EDM and MNS are selling coins from a single submission.
I didn't have time to check or link all the eBay listings. 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent MNS eBay 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent MNS eBay 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent EDM 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent MNS 1968-S Proof Cent EDM 1968-S Proof Cent MNS 1968-S Proof Cent GT eBay 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent 1968-S Proof Cent
This coin was offered by EDM and is now being offered by MNS.
Many sellers/dealers want to take advantage of any tax breaks with a business license. Applying for a business is fairly easy. Many jurisdictions make the information available to the public.
Internet search engines, the Wayback machine, and other internet related programs can dig up a lot of information.
Do a search.
“[name of business] business license, ocoee, fl”
Wow. I haven't looked into Mother Nature's Showroom for a long time, but they ended up in my search results today.
They seem to have come a long way with their own photography, unless the coins had these photos already when acquired.
Electronic Dance Music
I'm fairly new to all this, but I was suspicious of both these sellers selling artificially toned pieces (both show in results for graded large British penny and half penny and other pre-decimal coins). I wanted to see if my assumption was correct that these are doctored.
How is it these huge dumps of AT coins are getting straight graded by any TPG?
Oh, and this is curious:
There are two ebay store fronts with the name, one capitalizes first letter of each word w/ no underscores in url, the other is all lowercase w/ underscores in url. One is a user, one a store. But both are selling.
Their fb page has no underscores, their IG does, or vice versa, I forget, but they def use both in social media.
Another seller in Florida, in Deltona, I'm cautious of is
Are their toned coins also AT, in the opinion of more experienced numis? As I said, I'm pretty new to all this. I did look, and at least Deltona isn't very near Orlando, fwiw. But maybe these are all sellers for someone in Florida getting bulk grading done on AT coins. I'm still wondering how dozens (or many hundreds) of these AT coins are getting straight graded, most are in pcgs slabs, but not all. Either way, it's not a great look for these tpg to allow so much through like this.
They gas many of their coins. Natures showroom is a spin-off off EDM.
ah, heck, just for funsies. tinkered with a TV
Very interesting that there is a new TrueView for this. The enhanced brightness looks nice on yours.
hey thanks.
usually i edit stuff pretty quickly but for this one, because i am not accustomed to seeing 68-s target toned, figured i'd doodle with the TV to see what i could turn up from the legend area, an area i've noticed the pcgs photo studio is not capturing very well on a lot of coins for some reason and with a coin like this, i think with that toning pattern and location, it is kinda important to see what is going on in that specific area.
i do know there is probably a wide variance of monitor settings/viewable results so i try to presume most of the time, a decent % to each image looking different on my screen(s) that other peoples. i used several settings to arrive where i did, not that i'm saying it was necessary to use them all.
pcgs photo studio has the upper hand though, since they can see the coin in-hand and then see the TV, i presume.
nj catching there is a new tv and indeed, that is interesting. it seems the fingerprint is getting slightly worse as well.
Are you really surprised that toners sell for 4x price guide?
That is nothing compared to what some are sold for.
In some cases 4x guide would be considered the bargain of the year.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
My 68S