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The Great American Coin Hunt

BackroadJunkieBackroadJunkie Posts: 3,745 ✭✭✭✭✭

Coin World has an interesting article...

Dealer group plans nationwide ‘coin hunt’ in April

It's called The Great American Coin Hunt, set for April 21-27.

Between 250 and 300 dealers have agreed to deliberately release thousands of pieces from their own U.S. inventory into circulation at restaurants, retail and convenience stores, and in higher-traffic area such as airports, train stations, malls, and town squares according to Rob Oberth, one of the program’s organizers, who himself as pledged to spend 5,000 collectible coins.


In addition to common collectible coins, some dealers will be using key dates as tips at restaurants (of course mentioning to the staff that their tip is worth more than a few cents) and placing hologram stickers on some of the common cons they put into circulation. These hologram coins will include instructions for the lucky recipient to find a participating dealer and exchange the coin for a key date of the dealer’s choice worth up to $100.

Note to self. Get a lot of change at the end of April onward and look at it.

Which, I guess, brings us back to the Mint's statement about making a circulating rarity this year...


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