I have a World Coin (Mexico cap & rays 1/2 real) with a mechanical error...

I know this is likely a stretch, but is there an established and trustworthy CU Forum member that has multiple World coins with mechanical errors that need to be corrected by PCGS? If so, I would be super appreciative and certainly cover my share of the cost involved if I could piggyback with my one coin.
The coin in question is an 1859-Mo FH 1/2R PCGS MS66 which is slabbed as a 1R in error.
Cert verification displays the coin incorrectly as a 1R. The pop report needs to be adjusted...this would be a top pop if added to the pop report as a 1/2R and by removing it from the 1R pop report, an MS65 would become the new top pop. I know...crazy and messy!!
My hope of course is that PCGS would reholder World Gold Shield and take a TrueView image.
I have added images of the slab and coin below.
If anyone can help, please let me know.
Looks like a 1 Real to me. That would be too big for a 1/2. I see something going on with the 1 that makes it look like it might be 1/2 but don't think it is.
It is a 1/2 real. Clearly on the reverse.
That doesn't look like a 1/2 to me(die break through the 1?)....wish I could enlarge the picture more. It is hard to say. I don't have either now but doesn't that look the size of a 1 real?
Definitely looks like pcgs got this one right. 1R not a 1/2. No pop manipulation going on?
Its a 1/2 Real. Size looks ok. Check out some past auctions on Heritage, there are a few in slabs that will show you the comparable size.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Ya know when I sit here and force my feeble brain to remember I believe you guys are right. A 1 Reale is about the diameter of a nickel...right?
Thanks for your comments guys. I have the slab in question sitting right next to a slabbed cap & rays 1R. The size difference is unmistakable. I measured the diameter of both coins as best as I could from outside the slab. The 1/2 R looks to be about 16 mm, the 1R perhaps 20-21 mm. I acquired the coin from Heritage a couple of years back and they cataloged it as a 1/2 R. But the best evidence is looking at the images of the two 65's in the pop report. On both of those, the fraction is very mushy...see link below --
LOL, no manipulation...rather, I would love to get the pop report correct and cert number verification straightened out so that I can use the coin for Registry Set purposes.
It's easy to mix up the 1/2 for a 1 on this series due to weak strike. Easiest way to tell is that the 1 is roughly the same height as the R and the 1/2 is much taller.
Highly enthusiastic about world coins, contemporary circulating counterfeits and unusual stuff
@cecropiamoth - why piggy back on someone else's submission vs sending it in yourself? Also, sounds like you might 2 things done (fixing the label, which should be free, and reholdering in a Secure Plus holder, which probably carries a fee). Ideally PCGS should do the label fix and re-holder into an SP holder by default, but i would call their customer support line to confirm. I have a suspicion that you might have to pay for the SP reholder.
8 Reales Madness Collection
C'mon guys, it clearly reads on the reverse of the coin 1/2R...
Sure does.
8 Reales Madness Collection
So, did you send it to PCGS?
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter
Yes sir!!! Submitted it at Central States in April 2019.
Great result, I think, also the picture is very nice!
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter