Rumors swirling about both New York NFL football teams

in Sports Talk
Rumors swirling about both New York NFL football teams
I'm not sure how true these rumors are, but I thought it was my duty to report them:
Fan base on both teams is down in the single digits. The New York Post and Daily News were offering free tickets placed in their newspapers, and still nobody attended the games.
As did the baseball New York Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers moving to California, rumor has it that both New York NFL football teams may move to California next season.
Rumor also has it that both teams may forgo being in the NFL altogether, and join the new XFL in 2020 so they might possibly be more competitive.
I’m really not sure how an Eagles fan could get such a scoop.
Didn’t you guys make the playoffs?
Don’t you have a city to destroy now that you’ve finished beating up Santa Claus?
The only thing with less class than the city of Philadelphia and their sports fans in the history of the planet was the 1992 UNLV Men’s basketball team.
Happy New Year, @stevek !!!
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<<< less class than the city of Philadelphia and their sports fans >>>
That simply isn't true.
Whenever we kick the chit out of an opposing fan at the Linc because of overly cheering for their team, we always courteously offer them some help getting into the ambulance.
Now THAT is some brotherly love. And it's not like I don't understand. I'd feel pretty much the same if the Giants had only one championship in our history, too. You can only watch so many disappointing performances at the Linc before you say, "Well, I have to see someone besides the Eagles get beat once in a while."
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i heard the giants might move to new jersey
You can only watch so many disappointing performances at the Linc before you say, "Well, I have to see someone besides the Eagles get beat once in a while."
<<< I'd feel pretty much the same if the Giants had only one championship in our history, too. >>>
Correction, the Eagles actually have won 4, count 'em four, NFL championships including the Super Bowl last season.
And least you forget, it's your other New York football team called the New York Jets, which has only won one championship in their history, and that was going on a half-century ago.
Not defending the Jets. Ever. They’re there to remind us all how bad it could really be.
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Since it’s all so new to the Eagles fan base, I’ll forgive you but the generally accepted rule is once you win a SuperBowl you can stop referencing titles won during the Martin van Buren administrarion.
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We all know you meant to say Eagles Hall of Famer, Steve Van Buren.
I knew Steve personally, and nobody in their right mind would have ever said to Steve that his two championship titles shouldn't be referenced because of the advent of the Super Bowl.
Steve may not have clocked you for saying that, but Chuck Bednarick might have.
But I think you may have a future winner in Sam Darnold.
He needs to be coached up a bit and a few more pieces added to the puzzle on offense, and then New York could have a competitive AFC football team in place.
Andrew Luck all over again. It’s why you build a line before you draft a QB. See: 2017 Eagles
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That's where the drafting skill comes in, finding the right linemen in those 2nd, 3rd and later rounds. Many linemen gems in the rough in those rounds. It's called proper scouting, and not just subscribing to some pundit service and listening to their advice.
The only New York team is the Buffalo Bills. New jersey is NOT part of New York State.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I am quite surprised that the governor of New Jersey hasn't sued both the Giants and Jets teams for erroneously using the New York name while playing in New Jersey. That does seem like false advertising of some sort.
Well its either he was paid off or a couple of goombahs told him to fugetaboutit.
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Nothing from Grote in this thread? I guess after the arze whuppin' his Jets took this season, he's hiding under his bed most of the time until baseball season begins.
Grote was recently spotted at a cheap New York City bar, muttering to the bartender after downing numerous shots of hard liquor, "Oh how I wish Broadway Joe would return."
Joe is too busy doing Medicare commercials now.

The Timbuktu Raiders are glad they're not the only team struggling to find a home.
The London Giants or the Liverpool Jets doesn't have a bad ring to it.
The Jets in Liverpool?
And they thought the only lonely place was on the moon!
Even coming off a SuperBowl I feel pretty confident saying the only city that would have the Eagles is Filthadelphia.
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I saw what you did there. 👍
Well perhaps if the Jets can't even win a football game there, then maybe some of the players can try to start up a rock & roll band.
Perhaps the Giants and Jets this coming April in the NFL draft should consider drafting a cheerleader instead of a player with their first round pick?
.....and whoever said it wasn't fun to pile on? 😂