Sperry and hutchinson steel press

in Stamps Forum
Hi, I don't know if this is the right spot for this, but I found a series of steel sperry and hutchinson presses at the dump the other day. Most of them say "sperry & hutchinson Co-operative discount stamp" with a 10 behind it in various sizes. There are a couple of a building that say freimuths on them. And finally a few small ones that say H&V. Can anyone shed some light on these? Were they used to make the green stamps I've heard about? Are they worth anything?
@Roardawg , I really can't envision what you are talking about. They sound interesting but how about some pictures?
You say presses, but do you mean printing plates?
@JBK I have uploaded pictures from my phone, hopefully they are visible. And yes, I think printing plate is more accurate. Let me know what you think
Yes, printing blocks, used for printing ads in papers or other paper advertising. Not for printing the stamps themselves. I assume they have a wood base.
If you found them together they were probably from the store pictured.
Yes, they have value but not a ton. Similar stuff (other subjects) is on ebay all the time. Let me know if you lost them, I might be interested if cheap enough.
I have seen printing blocks listed for a few to several dollars each at the low end, and several times that for fancy or popular subjects.
Good catch to find them and take them home. Definitely worth preserving.
Anything to do with the printing of the old "S&H Green Stamps"?